Chapter 20: The Search

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"Ugh..." I groaned. I sat up in bed.

8:24 a.m.

I yawned and stood up, and changed. I then decided to go to Eruna's room to wake her up; she shouldn't just lie in bed all day.

"Eruna~" I called, knocking when I was in front of her door. I stayed there for a few seconds, waiting for a reply. Only hearing silence, I knocked again. "Eruna, wake up!" Still no reply, I barged inside the room.

"Eruna-"I stopped when I saw she wasn't inside her room. "Oh no," I whispered. I ran down the stairs in hope that Eruna was somewhere around the house.

"Eruna! Eruna! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" I said, starting to panic. After a few minutes of searching, I collapsed onto the couch. "I, I should have told her!"

To tell you the truth, I didn't tell Eruna to not go out hunting because she was an orange player. She was fine on her own, like she said. It was because of what was happening.

Just yesterday, someone had been kidnapped and taken away somewhere. No one knows where they went, no traces of the incident could be found. I knew that if I told Eruna, she probably might've gone looking for the kidnapper. I didn't want her to because well, I don't know if anyone was going to trust an orange player if Eruna had actually found something. I was going to tell Kirito so we could solve the case; he already knew about the incident.

But we have an even bigger problem. What would happen if Eruna was kidnapped? I mean, yes, she can probably take them on, but I'm still worried. What if they attack in a gang of twenty or something like that? How would she get out herself? There's something telling me that I have to find Eruna and find her as fast as possible.

I stood up and ran to the door ready to find her. When I took a couple of steps away from my house I bumped into someone.

"Oh, Asuna," I heard Kirito say.

"Kirito! Eruna's gone!" I told him.

"She is? Do you want me to use my tracking skill?" Kirito asked.

"Yes, just please hurry!" I said.

We both started from the bedroom Eruna was in. We then walked out the door and headed to the fields. Then I saw that the footsteps started walking back to the direction of my house.

What? She returned to the house already? That's not possible right? No, no, no.

I then bumped into Kirito.

"Oof! What's wrong?" I asked.

"The footprints...they stop here," Kirito said.

"What?!" I yelled. "You're joking! No! She, she wasn't, but she's Eruna!" I exclaimed. I started panicking. She was taken?! She was killed?! It's possible, we're not in the safe zone...But, how?!

My thoughts kept going, questions were being asked but not answered, I breathed heavily, then I closed my eyes and passed out


How could the footprints end here?...

I heard a thump and turned around, finding Asuna sprawled out on the floor.

"Asuna!" I kneeled down by her face and poked her. "Asuna! Augh, she passed out..."

Ugh, I have to bring her back to her house...but how?

I closed my eyes and thought about it, frowning. Every few seconds, I frowned deeper. Until I decided to man up and do what I planned.

I picked Asuna up and hoisted her up onto my back, giving her a piggyback ride.

"Asuna, you better be grateful for this," I said to no one in particular.

Then I carried her back to her house.


Is there any way for footprints to stop appearing while using my tracking skill? But how? Unless she was carried away...that is one possible way...

"" I heard a voice say quietly. I rushed to Asuna who I had placed on a couch.

"Are you okay? You passed out," I said, looking at her.

"I'm fine. Do you have any traces or Eruna or anything? The kidnapping incident?" she asked. I shook my head. "Right...there is a chance that Eruna, the footprints, and the kidnapping thingy are connected somehow though, right?"

I thought about it for a bit. "Although we don't have enough evidence, yes, they all could be related to each other. About the footprints, only one way I can think of right now that they could've disappeared is if she was carried. I'll continue researching about it though, okay?" I said.

"Okay, and I'll research people about the kidnapping. Let's report what we find at night, okay?"


I started researching, and I thought about ideas about Eruna if she was kidnapped. for a bit

I find it impossible for someone to be able to take Eruna away by force. Her stats are high enough in strength and agility to get away immediately if she was attacked. I don't think she could have been paralyzed and taken away either...well she could, but how? I can only think of a paralysis potion. She wouldn't have been that gullible to take a paralysis potion, would she? I don't think so...She's too strong to be able to be threatened or be kidnapped by force.

She didn't go with them willingly either...that would have been stupid! Wait...

Would she?

~Aye, I rewatched an episode of SAO that had a duel against Kirito and that poophead from that one guild. Apparently you don't get teleported to an arena, you duel right on the spot. So forgive me and just go along with that one chappie aight? Thanks! ^-^

And sorry again for being a poophead xC

I know. I suck poo, I'm a sack of moldy potatoes for not updating, I'M SORREH T___T

Anyways these are the votes so far! ^-^:

KA: Kirito x Asuna (4 votes)

KE: Kirito x Eruna (6 votes)

KO: Kirito x Other (2 votes)

You guys can still vote if you want, just letting you know. Or else Kirito x Eruna is gonna win xD

Aight, working on da next chapter! trying to speed up the updates xC

Have you guys seen Sword Art Online 2 yet? :D

Anyways, sayonara for now! Bai!~


This chapter was me attempting to put in more Kirito x Asuna 'cause I felt like KE was biased*bleh*]

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