Chapter 1: The Start

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I sat in my bedroom and looked at my watch.


I'm still getting ready to play this game.

August 2022 was the first time I had tried the game.

September 2022 was the last time I had played the game.

November 6, 2022 at 1 pm would be when the game would officially be open for all players.

I finished my glass of water and closed the book I was reading.


I took the Nerve Gear, placed it on my head, and lied down on my bed. You don't have to move your body in this game.


A bunch of flashes appeared, along with the confirmation of the five senses as the Nerve Gear booted up. I entered in my username and password.

Beta test data still available. Would you like to use it? Accept or Decline.


Welcome to Sword Art Online!

Then there was a flash and I found myself back in Aincrad, the world Sword Art Online is set.

What is Sword Art Online? Ugh, seriously? You want me to explain this to you? Fine, Sword Art Online, or SAO, is a Virtual Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game or VR MMORPG for short. This game uses Nerve Gear, created by Kayaba Akihiko. The Nerve Gear is connected to the five senses in our brains so we can control our characters in the game. How? I don't know! I'm not a freaking scientist or whatever!

You can actually feel the cold when it's cold and the warm when it's warm, which is pretty cool. No, you won't feel any pain in this game, just a tingly sensation that is VERY uncomfortable for me. There's this pain absorber that's always set at 10, so yeah. Set it at three and it'll start affecting your real body.

SAO was first released to beta testers in 2022 from August to September. I was one of the beta testers and guess what? I got to pre-order it! So I didn't have to worry about not getting SAO. The main point of SAO is to complete all 100 floors, so it's pretty much a game where you just level up and do quests and stuff.

Anyways, back to where I was now, thanks to you who decided to ask about SAO. I'm not going to go into the whole details about this game, okay? Now. Where was I? Oh yeah.

I was in Aincrad again. Aincrad, I missed you!!! *hugging the ground, if that's even possible* And I went to wander around the place.


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