Chapter 12: She's Gone

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~Eruna ~

"Asuna, you really need to be more careful. Just because I'm here doesn't mean you can play around in this dungeon," I said. Asuna nearly died in that last room and I had to save her. I wonder how Sachi's doing right now. Well, I don't need to worry cause Kirito's with her.

"Eruna, watch out!" I heard Asuna yelled. Oh, right. We're still in the dungeon. The monster was high in the air, swooping down at me from above. I raised my sword to deflect its attack and counter attacked it. It disappeared into light.

"Asuna, you think you can handle them?" I asked her as she was swinging her rapier.

"Um, maybe. Hold on." She replied. I watched she sliced each one in half, one disappearing after another. A minute later, the room was cleared. "Yes, yes I can handle them." Asuna said with a smile.

"Let's go Asuna. Next room here we go!" I yelled and skipped out the room with Asuna following me. Yep, today is a happy day.

"Oomph!" I yelled as I bumped into someone, landing on my back. "I am so sorry; I wasn't watching where I was going." I said as the person helped me up. And then I saw who it was. "Oh, Kirito. You're here." I looked behind Kirito. "Sachi!" I said with a smile.

"Eruna!" Sachi said and hugged me.

"You two know each other?" Kirito asked.

"Yup, in real life too." Sachi said.

"Er, can we get back to the dungeon and stuff now?" Someone from Kirito's side asked.

"We should before Keita worries about us." Someone else said and there were murmurs of agreement.

"Ah, I know. Why don't we all go together?!" Asuna said.

"Yeah, we should! Is that okay Sachi?" I asked. She nodded her head and we all walked to the next room.


"Kirito, switch! Sachi and everyone else keep the minions away! Asuna, keep attacking and don't stop until its HP turns red! Then try to kill all of them in one hit and go help Sachi and the others! " I shouted as I slashed at some minions.

"Eruna! Switch!" Kirito yelled. He backed up as I jumped in and attacked until its HP was close to 0.

"Everyone, attack!" I yelled. I jumped up and brought my sword down, cutting the monster in half as the others charged at it.  Soon, I was engulfed in light that flew around the room. Everyone started to celebrate and cheer because of our victory.

"Good job! Next room?" I said to them.

"Can't we take a break?" Someone from Sachi's guild asked.

"Oh, I made some food! I made some extras so everyone can have one!" Asuna said happily. She took out a basket filled with a bunch of sandwiches and other stuff. We all sat down OUTSIDE the room and started stuffing our faces.

"Delicious!" "Tasty!" "This tastes so good!" "I could eat this for my whole life!" There were many praises for Asuna, the great cook. Yes, she focused her skills on cooking, trying to max it out (though no one would actually pay attention to cooking and sewing because this is a death game and what not). I'm also trying to max my cooking out, but it might take a while because I'm trying to max the others out too.

I bit into my sandwich, savoring the taste. It tasted like heaven! But when I was halfway done, I accidently dropped it, causing the sandwich to lose its durability and disappear. I kneeled down and looked up to the sky, er, ceiling.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! The sandwich didn't deserve it! It should've been me, it should've been me!!!" I yelled.

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