Chapter 10: The Moonlit Black Cats and Sachi

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It's been a week since the boss fight on floor one and seeing Eruna and Asuna. I'm now level 40. Wonder what level Eruna is. It seems like she's the only player that's better than me so far. I wonder if she's still alive... Stupid game doesn't even show you if your dang friends are alive, so you have to check up on them.

Anyways, I'm just walking around a forest so I can level up. I started to hear a bunch of yells, screaming for help. I ran towards the sounds and when I arrived, I could see a bunch of players trying to defend themselves and each other from some monsters. I took out my sword and rushed in to save them. I defeated the monsters easily and turned around to see a group of four guys and one girl. They started cheering and whooping, standing up and hugging each other. After they finished, one of them turned to me.

"Thank you for saving us. We should treat you to something. Dinner?" The person said. "Okay." I responded and we all went to an inn to celebrate.


"Here's to us, the Moonlight Black Cats! Cheers!" "Cheers!" "And here's to Kirito-san, the man who saved our lives! Cheers!" "Cheers!" Then they all started to thank me for saving them again.

"Um, Kirito-san. This is really rude to ask but what level are you?" Keita, the leader asked. I looked at my level: 40. Maybe it's better if I lie...How would they react when they found out I'm a beater?

"Level 20 or so." I replied. "Eh, that isn't too different from ours. It's really amazing you're a solo player." Keita responded.

"Keita, you don't have to be so polite. Solo players just target isolated enemies. It isn't that efficient."

"Oh...Oh, I see. In that case, Kirito, what would you think about joining our guild? The only one we have who can occupy the vanguard is Tetsuo, a mace user." He walked over to the girl and started to pat her head. "Her name is Sachi. I'd planned to have her switch to sword and shield use, so she could fight in the front. But she says she isn't really sure how. Do you think you could show her the ropes?"

"Don't talk about me like I'm useless. I can't go out and fight in the front rank. I'd be scared." Sachi, the damage dealer, said.

"Just hide behind your shield." "You've always been a scaredy-cat." They all responded to her.

"Everyone in our guild is from our school's PC Research Club. Ah, but don't worry, you'll fit in soon. Right?" Keita said. "Right!" They all said. Sachi smiled. Just looking at her...

"Okay. Then I will join, after all...Thanks." I replied. They all started to cheer and we celebrated for the whole night at the inn.


It's been about a month, the 28th floor has been cleared. Life in Aincrad has been pretty good."...As of our last hunt, we've saved up 20, 000 cor! Before too long, we'll be able to buy our own house." Keita announced.

"Hey, why don't we get more equipment for Sachi?" Sasamaru, the damage dealer, asked. Everyone agreed.

"No, I'm fine as I am." Sachi said.

"Don't worry about it. We can't make Kirito protect us forever." Ducker, the thief/ treasure hunter, said.

"I'm sorry." Sachi said to me. "I don't mind. Don't worry about it." I replied. "...Let's all do our best!" Keita said.


It's night time right now. I usually go farm at night to level up myself. As I was walking, I spotted someone I first met when I entered SAO, Klein. I watched as he killed a monster with one hit. He's probably been progressing well.

"...Kirito!" Klein yelled when he saw me. He walked to where I was. "I was thinking I haven't seen you for a while. You're out leveling this late?" He paused as he stared at me. "That mark? Did you join a guild?" Crud this isn't good.

"I guess. Bye." I said and left.


I received a message as I was heading back.

This is Keita. Sachi left and hasn't returned. We're heading to the dungeon area. If you learn anything, let me know.

What? Sachi? I used my track skill to find Sachi. It helps me see the footprints of the person. I looked around and found a pair of footprints. Sachi. I ran and followed the footprints. When the tracks stopped, I found Sachi sitting under a bridge.

"Sachi!" I yelled to get her attention. "Kirito?" She replied. "Everyone's worried." She turned her head away from me; I sat down next to her.

"Hey, Kirito...let's run away together. From this town, the monsters, From the Black Cats, from Sword Art Online."

"D-do you mean a double suicide?" I asked to make sure.

"That might be okay. No, I'm sorry. If I had the courage to die, I wouldn't hide within the safety of the town, would I? Hey, why can't we leave this place? Why do we have to die, even though it's a game? What's the point of this?"

"I don't think there is a point."

"I'm afraid of dying."

"You're afraid of dying?"

"I'm so scared, I haven't been able to sleep lately..."

"You won't die. The Black Cats is a strong guild. Our margin of safety is well above average. And Tetsuo and I are both here. There's no need for you to force yourself into the front ranks."

"I really don't have to die? I can go back to reality someday?"

"Yeah. You aren't going to die. I'm sure they'll beat this game eventually." I said. And a tear fell from her eye and she smiled.


I was back at my room. Someone knocked at the door. "Come in." I said. I watched as the door opened up and revealed Sachi.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't get to sleep." She explained. So she slept next to me.

"Kirito?" she suddenly said.

"It's okay. You're going to survive." I responded. I'll protect you.


"Okay, see you." Keita said. He was going to buy them their very own house.

"Hey, let's make some cash while Keita's buying the house." Tetsuo, the forward, said.

"Want to go to the dungeon?" Ducker suggested.

"Wouldn't our usual hunting grounds be better?" I asked.

"At our levels we'll be fine." Ducker responded. And we went off to the dungeon.

~The real episode's on the side. Just letting you know~


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