Chapter 8: Training with Sachi

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"Sachi, let's go!!!" I yelled. She finally rushed out the inn, fixing her hair and straightening her clothes.

"Jeez, you could at least be patient Eruna." Oh puh-lease.

"Sachi, you spent a freaking whole hour and a half fixing yourself up!" I exclaimed, hands in the air.

"Well I have to look a bit decent." "Sachi, you're only fighting some freaking monsters, you don't have to look nice." "Well some people care about how they look. Have you looked in a mirror lately?" "I actually look okay, okay?"

Last time I checked (a whole hour and half ago) myself in the mirror, my coat looked freaking awesome on me (it's half white, half black; Kirito's is black), my sword looks freaking awesome, and my hair was down, which totally makes me look freaking awesome.

Sachi's short hair was down and she's wearing a pair of combat boots. Considering her somewhat turquoise eyes, yes, she is way prettier than me.

"Anyways, can we go now?" I asked.

"Fine." She replied. And I lead the way to the fields.


"Sachi, move out of the way when it charges! Don't stand there and think you can deflect its hit with your sword!" I shouted to her.

"Okay!" She shouted back. Sachi attacked the monster and moved when the monster charged again. She attacked once more and it disappeared into light fragments. She ran over to me.

"Eruna! I did it! I did it, I did it, I did it!" She exclaimed happily. I then saw the same monster Sachi just killed spawned. I ran to it and with one slice with my sword, it disappeared. Sachi's face fell and she started to whine.

"You don't have to show off Eruna you meanie pants! I'm still training!" I patted her head.

"There, there little Sachi, everything will NOT be okay. I feel your pain. You hurt, I hurt." I said. Sachi smacked my hand away from her head.

"Don't touch my hair; you're going to mess it up!" She whined. I rolled my eyes and walked farther out into the field to look for more monsters, swinging my sword around. She ran over holding a mirror (not the one Kayaba Akihiko gave us) while fixing her hair. I ran behind her a kicked her to the nearest monster.

"Eeeek! Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, I'm not ready yet!" She screamed as she put away the mirror and patted down her hair and took out her weapon. She charged at the monster; it turned its head towards her, alarmed and charged directly at her. "Holy shi-, "She was about to say until she fell backwards from the monster's impact, knocking out 20% of her HP. Crud she's screwed, I thought and rushed in to help her. I decided to poke it with my sword and it turned its attention to me. One thing I didn't realize: it could run freaking fast, as fast as the freaking speed of light.

"OH MY FAZOODLES, IT CAN RUN SO FREAKING FAST!" I yelled as I ran around for my dang life, the monster chasing me with its freaking tiny, stubby, puny legs. Sheet, how is this even possible?! It's a freaking puny thing with stubby legs! "Sachi! Attack it! Attack it!" I yelled. She stood up and charged. I turned around just in time to hit it the exact same time Jay hit it; it disappeared. I slumped down to my knees in exhaustion. "Holy... fudging... potatoes." I managed to say as I clutched my shirt and panted.

I then stood up and coughed like crazy.

"Holy shiz, are you gonna die or something?" Sachi asked. I glared at her and said, "I freaking saved your butt so don't be such a jerk, Sachi." She laughed.

"Anyways, yipee!!! I killed it!!!" Sachi exclaimed. What the fudge, didn't she see me hit it too? But being the nice person I am, I didn't say anything. We pretty much spent the rest of the day doing stupid and reckless stuff and ate some food like we did back in the real world. Yeah, Sachi almost died a couple of times (thanks to me) but what are friends for, right?


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