Blargh.Not an Update.

363 13 1

Okayyyyyyy, so you probably won't read this but:

1. I'm fixing the chapters cause they seem too unoriginal. Poop. It might take a while too. -______-

2. I'm thinking of changing Eruna's real life name from Akari to something else like...Ahri (any of you guys play League of Legends :p) or something because I've seen two other Sword Art Online fan fictions that also have the name Akari. *sigh*

3. There will be some made up characters, but that's not til later. So my story's not that unoriginal. Right?

4. I'm getting kinda lazy. Bleugh. But that's because I have no school right now.

and 5. I kind of noticed how Eruna seems a little too overpowered. So Imma fix that too.

And that's pretty much it. :)

Until next time ma peeplez! I wonder who the heck would read this anyway...


and here i realize my writing was kinda shat *weeps]

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