Chapter 19 Part I: Adventures of an Orange Player: Half of Day 2

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I tiptoed out to the door as silently as possible, not making a sound. That is, until I slipped and fell down to the ground with a loud thud that echoed out through Asuna's house. I widened my eyes and quickly scurried to somewhere I could hide as soon as the lights turned on and footsteps could be heard.

It was 4 a.m. after all.

I hid behind a couch where I had a full view of the room. And then I saw Asuna, still in a nightgown and wielding her rapier.

Oohhhh, this isn't good...

I curled up into a little ball, hugging my knees, and not breathing.

"Who's there?" I heard Asuna say. I heard her footsteps as she started walking around the room, looking for someone or something that could've caused the sound.

Just. Be. Quiet. Don't. Breath...Oh gee, I needa breathe, I needa breathe, I needa breathe, ARGH, I HAVTA BREATHE!

I let go of my breath and started to exhale and inhale as quietly as possible.

But apparently not quiet enough.

"Oh Eruna, what are you doing there?" Asuna asked, peering over the couch looking at me.

"...nothing?" I replied.

Asuna stared at me for a bit. Then she started dragging me back into the room I was sleeping in.

"Asuna! Argh! Shtap it!!" I yelled. But she just wasn't going to let go.

"Eruna, we already had a talk yesterday, remember? You even agreed! Reluctantly! But you still agreed!"

"But, but, you forced me too!"

"What? No I didn't!"

"Freaking- you said, you would kick me out and starve me to death and that you would kill me if we ever went hunting or something....I need ma food! Kick me out, but I need ma food! If you kick me out I can just find an inn...I need my sleep. I don't think you've ever seen me sleep deprived before Asuna! I not only feel like a sack of moldy potatoes, I look like one too! And then if you starve me then I'll-"



"Please be quiet. Come on, you still agreed to the rules we talked about yesterday."


"Eruna?" Asuna called.


"We have to talk."

"What is it Asuna?"

"You know how you're an orange player and all?"

"Yeessss?" I said, not knowing where she was going with this.

"We're going to have to set some rules for you so stuff like this won't happen again."

"Whaaat? I'll be fine. I don't need any rules," I said, turning my back to her.


"Hm?" When I turned around, I could see a knife in front of my face. I pushed the knife down with my finger. "Woah there Asuna, settle down. Look, I'm not going to follow some rules, I can take care of myself, okay?"

"Alright, alright, I guess you won't mind if I'm not going to let you eat anymore of my cooking then," Asuna said.

"What now?"

"I said I won't let you eat. Or would you rather have me kick you out from my house?"

"Asuna, are you serious?!" I yelled. She stared at me seriously. "Wait, no, no, no! I need ma food! Please Asuna, I'll do anything!" I watched as she smirked.

"You have to follow my rules and I'll let you stay and eat and I'll cook you food."

"Fine! At least I still get to eat your cooking! So what are the rules?"

"Well for one, you can't go out training anymore-"

"WHAT?! OH COME ON!" I yelled.

"Eruna, this is for your own good. Actually...that's the only rule I can think of as for now," Asuna then said. "I'll tell you the rest...if I even have any more rules..."

And that was what happened.


"Ugh, fineeeeeeeeeee," I said and continued to let Asuna drag me up to the room.

When I was back in bed, she turned off the lights and went back to sleep.


I sneaked out from the room and closed the door when I was out of the room.

Quietly Eruna...quietly...

I managed to walk all the way out to the door without tripping this time. Yay!

Sorry Asuna, I need ma food but I also need to get stronger.

Then I exited Asuna's house and went off to train.


I had been out for a long time already. There were actually a lot of fields full of high level monsters I could kill. I was waaaaaaayyyyyyy too overpowered. Hehehehe, oh well~

I decided it was time to walk back before Asuna found out. I had wandered pretty far to these fields, far away from the safe zone; it would take some time to walk back and sneak into the house again.

I was walking quietly looking at my surroundings.

Until I saw a figure in a black hood point at me with a sword.

~Psh, I know, I suck xD

I'm just really lazy T__T

Anyways, these are the results so far from the voting thingy!:

KA: Kirito x Asuna (0 votes)

KE: Kirito x Eruna (3 vote)

KO: Kirito x Other (2 votes)

Poor Asuna ;_;

Oh well, another person's gonna appear soon, so stay tooned!! ^_^

You can vote again if you want. But I think KE's gonna win xD

So yeah! I'm sorry for being a moldy sack of potatoes, FORGIVE MEH!

Bai! :3 ~


Actually, I was more awkward/cringe funny than funny. 

Thas still me but I think I've become more of a memer recently. :I

Curses to that one badminton dude!]

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