Chapter 18 Part I: Adventures of an Orange Player: Half of Day 1

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"Bye Kirito, bye Silica! I'm going to go now!" I said. Silica revived Pina already and now Kirito and I were about to head off somewhere else. The unconscious girl was on the bed, still knocked out. Kirito and I friended Silica already.

"Wait, but you're an orange player now; won't people notice?" Silica asked while holding Pina. Too adorable...must...not...die...from...EXTREME CUTENESS!  

"Mmm, I'll be okay I think. Besides, I'm a solo player and do you think anyone would be able to kill me?" I replied.

"Are you sure? What if someone uses a crystal like Kirito's to put you in jail?" "Mmm...I can still manage. I'll be fine. It's only jail and maybe I can reason it out if there's court or something."

"But if people attack you and find out they can't kill you they'll know you're a beater, an orange beater to be exact," Kirito stated. "People might start to gang up on you; you know how much some people hate beaters. Remember that first boss fight?"

He has a point there Eruna. A lot of people used to hate beta testers but now they hate beaters. If there was some kind of court or something before going to jail, there would be at least one person who would vote against me or there even court in SAO?

"I promise I'll be okay! I'll just...stay away from people or something then," I said.

"But what if someone sees you?" Kirito asked.

"Then I can beat the crap out of them and run?" I could see Silica shaking her head and Kirito looked like he was thinking.

"I can just stay with you until your player cursor turns back to green," Kirito said.

Yes, your player cursor can turn back to green. Mines might turn back in a couple of days because I didn't really kill anyone; I just hurt them.

"You're a beater too though..." "But I'm green and you're orange. There's a difference." "You're still a beater, and like you said, some people hate beaters. I think I'll be okay by myself, okay?"

I could see Kirito sigh.

"No, I'm coming with you if you like it or not. I can't just leave you; there's a chance you might even become wanted and people will hunt you down for rewards." "Oh come on! Seriously?!"

I was kind of pissed. I CAN TAKE CARE OF MAHSELF OKAY?!

I looked at Kirito and he seemed like he wasn't backing down from his choice.

"Ugh, fine! You can go with me wherever I go UNTIL my player cursor returns to green."

I glared at Kirito, trying to burn a hole through his face. Godammit, was he always this infuriating?!

"Anyways, about that person on the bed. What should we do with her?" I asked.

"I really don't know...I have to leave tomorrow because I'm getting a lot of requests for me to join their party. People might start hunting for me if I don't join a party soon," Silica replied.

 "Can we just leave her here or something?" "Why can't you stay here?" "Well, Asuna actually already told me to meet up with her a little later so I have to get going and Kirito here wants to follow me so I won't get into trouble."

"I think we might have to leave her here; we all have our own things to do," Kirito said.

"Yeah; let me leave a note to her or something." I decided to record a message. Apparently her name is Arisa.


"Um, hi. You kind of got knocked out by some people and were almost killed, so I-ow! Fine, WE saved you and decided to bring you here. We have to go somewhere else so we have to leave you here. Sorry about that. I left you some health potions and a teleport crystal so next time if you're in danger you can use those. And that's about it. Yeah. I hope you're okay. Yeah. Bye." I said. Then I paused the recording.

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