Chapter 7: Meeting Sachi

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"Oh no, Asuna's going to be pissed that I ditched her again! I should message her..." I said to Kirito. We were sitting at a fountain.

"Okay. I should disband the party..." Kirito said. A message appeared:

Asuna's party has been disbanded.

I started typing making (?) a message:

Oh Asuna. Meet me at the water fountain or send me a message. Sorry about ditching you again! Forgive me please! I'll pay you a meal if you want. Okay?


"What now, Kirito? Oh, you want to be friends?" "I'm a solo player though." "I asked you to just friend me, not party with me or anything."

You have sent Kirito a friend request.

I looked at Kirito.

Friend request has been accepted.

"Okay! Now we can stay in touch!" I said.

"Eruna...Eruna, right? That's your name?" Kirito said. I nodded my head. "So, were you invisible the whole time? Until you decided to unequipped it?" "Yep. I didn't want to bother your guys' party so I decided to go solo." Something popped up in front of me.

Um actually Eruna, I kind of...met a few other people. I guess I'll just be away for a while, okay? Sorry, I'll be back as soon as possible! Good luck and don't die!

-Asuna, a message that had popped up said.

I sighed. "I guess I'll be going solo like you for a while." "What about Asuna? Weren't you traveling together?" "She met some people." "Oh." Then we just sat there and ate. "So *nom, nom, nom* how's life so far?" I asked, breaking the silence. "Okay I guess *munch, munch, nom, nom* what about you?" "Mmm, I guess pretty slow. I would've thought I would be at a higher level right now. I guess I haven't been giving my all for the game." "What level are you right now?" "Um...level 14. Don't laugh at me!" "Level 14? That's not bad. I'm level 11." "Right...Hey, I'm leaving to the next town. You wanna go? But it's okay since you're a solo player and all..." "Yeah, I guess we should leave?" "Yeah. See you next time maybe?" Kirito nodded his head and we walked our separate ways.

I was humming a little tune as I was walking to the next town, swinging my sword. I then heard a high pitched scream and ran to it.

I could see a person with their hair in a ponytail fighting against several of those dang wolf monsters. I then saw the person fall and raise her sword up to defend their attacks. I rushed in to save her, attacking at each one until they all disappeared.

"Hey you okay?" I said as I helped the person up. But then I realized this person was too familiar to me. "Sachi? Is that you?" She looked at me with her turquoise eyes.

"Akari?" Yup, it was her. We were friends in real life, practically since we were babies. Holy crud, what's she doing here? 

You see, she didn't even want to play SAO in the first place. She was too busy with her life apparently and didn't have time to play the game. "And besides," she said, "you need to worry about school too. Life isn't all fun and games." Yup, she's definitely the responsible one here. She sounds like a freaking parent! But look here, she's playing the game too! We had this argument because she started calling the game stupid and a waste of time.

"Actually, I'd rather you call me Eruna for now, okay Sachi? Or do you want me to call you something else?"

"Nope, nothing else." She explained, looking a bit fidgety, probably noticed I was a little annoyed at her.

"Let's go have a talk, Sachi." I said. We walked to next town in a nice little restaurant. We ordered our food, splitting the money. Here was Sachi's explanation about the whole thing. Ever since the argument, she felt kind of guilty so she decided to give Sword Art Online a try. Turns out, she loved the game, until it turned out you couldn't leave the game. That's pretty much it, pretty short explanation. I forgave her cause ya know, we're friends.

"What level are you right now, Sachi?" I asked.

"Level 7. What about you, Eruna?"

"Level 14. Hey, I can help you train so you can level up? Do you want to?" "Okay." "Then we can do it tomorrow. You want to go to the fields, dungeon, or woods?" "Um, your pick I guess. I don't really know...which one is the easiest?" "The fields, easier to run away too if there's a really strong monster. So tomorrow, okay?" She nodded her head and we both just carried on with the conversation while eating some food.


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