Chapter 2: Freaking Log Out Button Disappeared

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I was in Aincrad again. Aincrad, I missed you!!! *hugging the ground, if that's even possible* And I went to wander around the place.

I went to wander around the place a bit before I went out to farm monsters. I skipped around and saw some players having difficulty moving around. Hehe, newbies, I thought. I saw shops with people crowding inside them to find some weapon and armor; others were trading with some things they got from monster drops. After a while, I headed to the fields where monsters spawned. I then came to a lake, the sun made the water glisten and there were colorful flowers around the lake.

Ooooohhhhhh, pretty. I walked to the lake and looked at my reflection. My hair fell to my shoulders and was really, really blonde or really light blue. I can't tell because when the sun shines onto my hair, it looks kind of bluish, but when it doesn't, it just seems blonde or white. My bangs cover a pair of gray eyes that was looking back at me, and this person looked about 17. My avatar was just a normal guy. Almost. Who would have light blue/blonde white hair in real life? Okay, maybe if you dye your hair, but still.

In real life, I had dark brown hair that reached down just below my shoulders and really dark brown eyes. I'm 14 and I'm a completely normal girl named Akari. My in-game name right now is Ash. I carry around a sword that's white but turns black going down the sword; the sword's blade is kind of curved a little to represent a flame. So it looks freaking cool.

I decided it was time to train and bring my level back up so I walked into the tall grass. I remember back in the olden days, waaaaaaayyyyyyy back when I was a beta-tester, I could kill monsters in one hit. I got all the way up to floor 9. But now, sadly, I would have to start all over again. Stupid system! You said you would use my freaking beta test data! I will seriously find the thing that asked me that and murder it!

I spotted something in the grass so I slowly crept up to it. Right when I was a foot behind the thing, I stepped on something that broke and made the thing's head turn in my direction.

Why must it always be a freaking twig?!

"Uh...hi monster thingy how's your day? Stupid twig!" I muttered the last part as I waved to the monster. The monster roared, er no, wait, um...snorted? It charged towards me. With my awesomely fast reflexes, I took out my sword and killed the thingy, K.O.! Yep, I'm awesome like that! I trained until it was 1:50 p.m. in the real world and took a break. I felt accomplished. I went from level 1 to level 7 and earned 908,250 col. That's just boss right there. Boss.

I was laying down by that lake I saw earlier if you were wondering. I could feel the wind blow across the field of grass, the weather was nice. I kinda wish I could live in SAO.

"Hey, you there!" someone yelled. Me? I turned my head and saw a girl running towards me. I let her run all the way to where I was as I continued to lay down on the grass by the lake. I watched as she stopped in front of me and said, "I'm *pant* Asuna. *pant* Nice to *gasp* meet you!" She then lifted her hand so I could shake it. I took my foot and put it in her hand and shook it. Seemed like she didn't really care because her expression still remained the same. Well I was just too lazy to use my hand so, yeah.

"I'm Ash." I said in a cold tone. What the heck does she want?

"That's a nice name!" She said and smiled. I nodded my head and gave a small smile.

"I guess...anyways, what?" I asked. She made a confused face and replied, "What?"

Mental face palm. "Why'd you call me?" "Oh yeah! Well, I saw you fighting those monsters like you've done it before. Are you a beta tester?" I hesitated but nodded my head. "Um, do you think you can teach me some stuff?" I nodded my head again.

"What weapon do you use?" She held out a rapier.

"Its name is Wind Fleuret!" I took the rapier and just helped her get used to using it for an hour. Luckily, she was a fast learner. She started at level 1 and went to level 3. Quite an accomplishment for a newbie. She was really good at the rapier. She could slice through the enemies really fast. Now she just needs to attack even faster. Anyways, we headed back to the place where I was before she asked me for help to rest.

"You're a fast learner Asuna."

"Thanks! What time is it?" Adventure time! Anybody? No? Okay.

"Should be somewhere." "Found it! 14:30. I should get going now." "Okay." "Nice meeting you Ash!" "Yep, you too Asuna." "Oh, we should friend each other!" A message appeared and said:

Asuna sent a friend request. Accept or decline?


"Okay! Bye Ash!" She said and pinched her index finger and thumb together to bring up the main menu. She pressed the icon with a picture of a gear on it and paused. "Um, Ash? Where's the log out button?" "It's at the bottom of the Settings and Main Menu." "It's not there." "What?" "It's not there." I opened up the main menu and saw that Asuna was right; the log out button was missing.

Oh my holy fudge nuggets. How do we return then?


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