Chapter 3: The Announcement

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"The log out button is missing." I murmured to myself. Holy potato, where is it? Glitch? But then they would've logged out everyone. Is there another way? No, it's only through the main menu. What's going on? I tried to call the game master for help, but nothing happened. "ANSWER ME GAME MASTER! GAHH!!!" I yelled. I kept spamming the button until something pushed me back onto the ground. There was a message that said:

Please do not press a button too many times. Thank you.

"Oh poop you!!!!!!" I yelled and took out my sword, ran, and killed every monster I saw. I must let out my anger! All of a sudden, a flash of blue light engulfed me and Asuna. We had teleported back to Starting City. I looked around and saw Asuna standing right next to me. "Okay, you're here too." I said to Asuna. She nodded and continued to stare at something. I looked to where she was looking and saw what looked a lot like blood dripping down from some kind of barrier and joining together looking like a huge blob of gloop. Then it turned into a robed figure. A game master?

"Attention players, welcome to my world. My name is Kayaba Akihiko." The figure said. Holy shish kebabs! He's the one that created the game!

"...I'm sure you've already noticed that the log out button is missing from the main menu. But this is not a defect in the game. It is a feature of Sword Art Online. You cannot log out of SAO yourselves. And no one from the outside can shut down or remove the Nerve Gear... "Oh ma fazoodles! For realzies?!

"The Nerve Gear will emit a powerful microwave destroying your brain and ending your life...As a result, 213 players are gone forever, from both Aincrad and the real world... I want you to remember this clearly, but there is no longer any method to revive someone within the game. If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be forever lost. And simultaneously the Nerve Gear will destroy your brain. There is only one means of escape. To complete the game. You are currently on the lowest floor of Aincrad, floor 1. If you make your way through the dungeon and defeat the Floor Boss, you may advance to the next level. Defeat the final boss on Floor 100 and you will clear the game. Finally, I've added a present from me to your item storage. Please see for yourselves. "

Hey, a present, I wonder what it is... I opened my inventory and pulled out his present: a mirror. A mirror? I looked into it and looked at my fake reflection of me. I then saw other people being engulfed in light, and soon I was too. When the light was gone, I heard a lot of commotion. For some reason, I felt...different. I looked back into the mirror and saw the real me. Wait, what? I touched my long hair to check if this was real. It was. No, no, no, no! I'm a girl again! Oh shiz, Asuna- I turned to Asuna and she looked different. Part of her orangish, brownish hair was in a braid, the rest of her hair was down. I turned around and realized that other people also looked different.

"You're Asuna right?" "Ash?! Is that you?!" We both said at the same time. No...freaking...way...

"Right now you're probably wondering "Why?" Why would Kayaba Akihiko, developer of SAO and the nerve gear, do all of this? My goal has already been achieved. I created SAO for one reason, to create this world and intervene in it. And now, it is complete. This ends the tutorial for the official Sao launch. Good luck, players." Akihiko said and disappeared. A moment after he left, everyone started to panic. "Asuna. I-I can explain."

"Explain what?" Never mind then!

"Uh, never mind." "So you were a girl the whole time?" "Yeah..." "Thank God! It felt so embarrassing being taught by a guy!" I nodded my head and decided to change my name to fit a female. Curse you Akihiko!

Please enter in your new name!


Are you sure you want this to be your new name? Accept or Decline


Name changed!

"Oh, Ash-err, changed your name! Eh-roo-nah...Eruna! That's a nice name!" "Thanks!" "So what now?" "I don't know."

"Um...let's head to the next town. All of the fields here are gonna be picked clean, which means no more monsters to farm anymore." "Okay! Let's go!" And we headed to the next town.


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