love or obsession

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junior wheeler x fem!reader

WARNING! this imagine contains violence,obsessive behavior and possessiveness.

should i make a book on this eventually? would you guys like that? (i got this idea from my tiktok fyp and wanted to make this) there is an oc in this imagine, works well;)

ALSO part 2?

You first moved to Hackensack unknowingly about its past, your family wanted a fresh start even though you didn't want to. "Mom! Please, this is a terrible idea! You whined. "Y/n, we already decided, look that will be our house! M/n pointed in the passenger seat.

You groan, simply staring at the window, how was this supposed to be a fresh start for you at all? So you didn't want to come to this town at first, until you befriended your first friend.  "Hey, you seem... uneasy, a boy approached you said. "Yeah, i never wanted to move here, You chuckled.

"Understandable, He laughed. "So, where do you live? You asked. The boy pointed to next door, the house looked alright, but slightly run-down. "Wow, You said. "What's your name?" "Jake, He introduced. "You?"

"Y/n, nice to meet you Jake." 

Ever since that day, the two of you were inseparable, he would later tell you about his alcoholic and abusive father, who was only like that after his mom passed away. But your life would turn upside completely one faithful day. 

You slammed your locker shut, and was startled to see Jake. "Whoa! You scared me! You laugh. "Sorry Y/N, I have something to tell you, Jake said. "My Dad and I have to go to this family dinner thing with my aunt, uncle and cousin, everyone wants to meet you, and invited you along."

You blinked, you didn't want to get into someone's business, but decided to accept. "Sure, why not? You accept casually, not thinking much of it. 

bad idea.

The family dinner you were invited to was chaotic in the end, but hey, you met his attractive cousin, Junior, who kept staring at you the entire dinner, and although it made you slightly uncomfortable, you didn't think much of it.

"Jake, i don't think your cousin likes me very much, you said afterwards. "He kept staring at me the entire dinner." "Eh, he'll get used to you, i promise, Jake said. "Plus, i don't like him very much, so even if he does hate you, it is probably because of me."

"Gee, that helps a lot, You said sarcastically. "I really want your family to like me." "My father likes you, Jake said calmly. "He normally despises my friends, i think it is because he is happy i have found a friend."

"You've never had a friend?"

"Oh, i have, just they never lasted."

"Oh, same, actually."

The two of you had a lot in common, which made you two close friends. Unaware of Junior's blossoming obsession of you. 


A few days after that mess, you saw a boy approach you. "Hi, He said shyly, quite frankly adorable. "Hey, you said softly. "I'm y/n, and you are-?" "Oh, my name's Max, he introduced, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. "Would you go on a date with me?"

Nearby, Junior was raging with jealousy, but he had an idea, he watched as you nodded a yes and exchanged numbers. He had never felt this way for someone, not even Lexy, his own girlfriend, but this felt right.

was it because lexy was cheating with oliver?

maybe, but Junior hated the boy who asked you already, and he was sure why he did feel that way.

t i m e s k i p

You finally ended that class, and entered the hallway, but was shocked to see a fight breaking out between Junior and another boy.


You didn't hear it but Junior whispered,"Y/N is mine, got it?" Max shook his head. "She doesn't belong to anyone, got it?" The way he spat at him disgusted Junior, continuing to punch him back and forth. 

You were his, nobody else's. 

Did it help that he would watch you a lot at school? not really. "Stop! You yelled, breaking up the fight that could have resulted in Max's death. 

This was only just the beginning for you. 

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