stockholm syndrome

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yandere! junior wheeler x fem!reader

for those who wanted this, here you go:)

AGED UP 16+!!

WARNING! This imagine contains gore, blood, obsessive behavior such as stalking, watching someone sleep, etc, yandere behavior, knife violence, kidnapping, manipulation, and drugging, + stockholm syndrome.

Junior is a warning himself lol. 

"For the last time Jake, I am not going to this party."

Jake was at your locker and he begged you to go to this party that he had been invited to, which happened to be at Junior's house. You knew why he wanted you to go with, so he wouldn't be stuck at Junior's party by himself.

"Please y/n! Jake begged."I want to go because i want to look cool, but i mean, it is Junior!" You laughed at your best friend."Are you afraid of your own cousin?" He shook his head."No, he is just an dickhead, who would want to be at his house?"

"True, You agree, glancing over to see Junior and Lexy making out in public. Gross, You thought, turning your attention back at Jake. "You know what? I will go, You sighed, giving in. "Thanks, Jake said casually."I just... don't want to be teased, ya know? Plus, Junior is going to make some stupid joke about my sexuality."

You felt bad for Jake, he had been openly gay since he was 14 years old, so only about 3 years now. Whenever he had been picked on, it was solely because of his sexuality for some reason. "No prob, see you then! You said, walking away from him.

"Cya Y/N!"

You waved as you walked away, unwary of Junior following behind you, if anyone saw this it would look like he was going to class, not suspicious at all.

Which was exactly part of his plan.

He never liked Lexy romantically, and she was only a pawn in his plan to getting you. As you entered class he did too.

He already had to go to that class anyways.

He admired you from afar, acting like someone who was hopelessly in love but a geek. Junior was actually pretty popular.

Every girl swooned over him, except you, which made you special in his eyes. You felt a pair of eyes on you and you made eye contact with Junior.

You rolled your eyes at him before turning around. Why was he staring at you? That made no sense. It seemed that he never liked you, always making snarky comments from time to time whenever you hung around with Jake, since he moved in ever since his Dad died.

For Junior, he was simply obsessed with you, everything about you made him feel so warm inside. He didn't think that being obsessed was wrong, but truthfully, it was. Tonight was the perfect opportunity to have you all to himself.

He didn't intentionally make the party for you, it happened to be a last-minute plan, and also being at the right place at the right time for him at least.  After school, You were hanging with Jake at Junior's home. From an outside perspective, Junior's parents were better than Jake's Father, so you didn't mind being here.

"I like your outfit, Y/n, Jake complimented. "Thanks, i am wearing it for this party, figuring that maybe i can get a boyfriend/girlfriend, You winked, and He laughed."I think so, Y/N. You are a very pretty girl, it won't be too hard."

You knew he meant well, Jake was gay so that meant he was into non-men, and you were female. "Thank god, i want to look my best, You sighed, crossing your arms."Now i am actually looking forward to this party."

There was something you had no idea about. Junior had been watching you for a while, one night, you were asleep and he entered your room, watching you sleep before leaving when you made a noise and woke up. 

He was that obsessed.

"Hey Jake, hey y/n, Junior says, standing in the doorway, a cocky smirk on his face. Jake groaned."What do you want, Junior? Bully us until we die?" Junior shook his head, crossing his arms."Nah, i just wanted to ask if you were excited for this party."

You nodded, being honest."I am, you always have the best parties." Instead of making a comment, he laughed and left, you were surprised, and kind of uneasy, but what could you prove?

Only an hour after that, the party began and you were having a blast, deciding to drink something. "Hi y/n, looking for something to drink? Junior winked. You smile, deciding to be nice to him at least tonight."Yeah, what do you have?"

Apparently, Mr. and Mrs.Wheeler were on a trip and left Junior home alone, only a year before his housekeeper/maid died from "mysterious" circumstances, that must have been so hard on him. 

Junior handed you a drink which smelt like beer. "What is it? you ask. He casually smiles."Beer. haven't you had it before, Y/N?" You nervously smile."only once, at one of lexy's parties." Junior was actually being nice to you.

He laughed."She has said it was her favorite alcohol. Don't worry Y/N, as long as you don't drink too much, you'll be okay." You sigh and wave before walking into the crowd.

His plan, going perfectly. 

You only had one drink and your eyelids were getting heavy as you were going to pass out. Why were you so sleepy? your vision became blurry as you saw a dead body... his body covered in blood and eyes lifeless, his neck cut and you recognized him as the boy who had been flirting with you earlier.

But before you could scream, you passed out, not knowing what had happened.


You woke up, not recognizing where you were. "W-What happened? You asked, thinking you were alone. 

"I drugged you, Y/n." 

You saw nearby that Junior smiled at you, while stabbing someone, screams were heard and tears filled your eyes. "Why? You ask, nervously and fear in your voice. He stopped, placing the knife down and approaching you.

Junior smirked."Simple, you belong to me now, Y/N. Eventually, you'll fall in love with me." You shook your head as you sobbed, he killed people... he was a psycho! "W-Was t-that why you were so nice to me? You ask. He nods.

The fear was so pretty on you..

Unfortunately for you, Stockholm Syndrome hit you a few months later, and you never wanted to leave. 

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