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Sarawat sat on the bench at the sides of ground as he stared at nothing.

"Aren't you going to play?"he turned his head to see Tine,who he remembered as his old classmate.

Sarawat just shook his head expressionlessly.

After a long time Sarawat still saw that Tine haven't left.

"Don't you have any class?"he sounded serious and Tine almost stuttered.

"No , I mean yes,but I thought I'll skip"Tine Chuckled a little at the end and Sarawat stared at him for sometime, Tine's heart was beating faster just from how the boy was staring at him.

"W-why........why are you looking at me like that?"Tine asked nervously and Sarawat simply look away.

Tine wanted to talk and get closer to him, however he was also scared of facing the rude side of Sarawat.

"Uhm,if you don't like my presence-"

"I never said that"Sarawat said and Tine looked at him like he was surprised,he indeed was since Sarawat's tone softened.

"D-do you know me?"Tine asked but the next moment he thought he made a joke of himself when Sarawat chuckled and looked at him.

"How could I not? You were my classmate in middle school and high school. Weren't you, Tine?"Sarawat asked with a small smile and Tine's heart almost blasted hearing his name rolling out of Sarawat's tongue.

He felt so happy that he was already out of the world knowing that Sarawat know about his existence and his name.

"Yeah"Tine mumbled but he looked so happy that made Sarawat curious.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Well, I always wanted to talk to you and get to know you better"He himself was surprised from how he managed to say that without stuttering.

"Am I that scary that you didn't talked to me before?"Sarawat chuckled, honestly it was only one week since he broke up with Ella and before this talk with Tine he haven't laughed or smiled ever since.

"No no, it's just I was just nervous"Tine said and Sarawat smiled, thinking that Tine is just cute.

"How are you?"Tine asked and Sarawat raised and eyebrow and then sighed realising what he meant.

"Ah, you must have known the whole thing. Well, I'm fine. I should be fine"Sarawat said and Tine's heart felt more hatred towards Ella for pushing down the cheerful Sarawat into this situation.

"Mm"Tine just hummed and Sarawat couldn't help but look at him again and sigh.

"You sigh a lot"Tine blurted out and Sarawat raised an eyebrow.

"Is that bad?"

"It shows that you're a lot stressed or having anxiety or depression"Tine explained.

Sarawat chuckled after sometime and sighed again,Tine frowned.

"Well, it's not like anyone care's,right?"Sarawat asked and Tine's eye's softened.

"I care"Tine said and Sarawat smiled.

"You don't have to worry or care about me. I'm fine"as if he didn't wanted to continue the conversation he stood up.

Tine followed, "You should go back. I'm gonna play with them a bit more"Sarawat said and Tine could only watch him falling into the game silently.

Sarawat never did turned around or spared him a glance as he walked away.

Amy was staring at them from far and when she saw Tine with a smile,she couldn't help but feel happy.

"Seems like he didn't pushed you away?"Amy said as she put her hands into the pockets of her jacket and Tine grinned, showing his bunny smile.

"He didn't. He even said that he know me and my name"Tine said excited and Amy giggled.

"Well that's not a surprise that he know you, since we all went to the same school and now to the same universe"

"Oh really? Then I wonder why he don't know you"Tine said and Amy Rolled her eyes.

"Did he said that he don't know me?"

"He didn't said he know you either"Tine said and Amy silently cursed under her breath and Tine chuckled pulling her closer.

"Haha, don't curse cutie"Tine smiled and she smirked.

"Good that you know"

"Know what?"Tine frowned.

"That I'm a cutie"Amy tried showing some cuteness but Tine laughed letting her go.

"That's gross. You know I'm just playing around"he said and she punched on his arm quite powerfully that it really did hurt a bit.

It wasn't long after the news that caused Tine to rejoice came, "Ella moved to the state's with her bestfriend and family"the news reached everyone even though the source of the information wasn't popular and it's not like anyone cared.

Sarawat himself didn't showed any reaction over this. However,he soon was walking away from his friends which seemed like after they fought.

Nevertheless new rumours started to spread around in no time after Sarawat was found smiling and talking to Tine, who wasn't a friend of his before or no one saw them interacting ever before.

"Did you heard the new rumours?"Amy asked as he sat next to Tine with her lunch and Tine looked at her.

"That I'm the cause they broke up?"Tine asked back and Amy nodded as she sipped on the canned drink.

"Well,I don't care about others. Atleast I'm able to divert Sarawat's attention off her. I just want him happy"Tine shrugged and Amy didn't made any comment or replied other than nodding slowly.

"Can I take this seat?" A voice interrupted and Tine immediately put on the most prettiest and widest smile of his that can light up anyone's day.

"Sure, please sit down"Tine said not trying to hide how happy is. Sarawat also didn't cared about the ignorant look of Tine's friend to him as he sat down.

"Is she your girlfriend?"Sarawat asked and she looked at him with wide eyes.

"WHAT?- A-are you blind or what? I'm his bestfriend and I've been your classmate since mid school too"Amy herself lowered her voice after realising there are students around. Tine chuckled and Sarawat smirked.

"Chill, I was just asking. And really? Were you in my class? And Tine's bestfriend, why haven't I seen you then?"Sarawat wondered and she rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you ask yourself? How would I know?"she clearly had no liking or specific dislike in him. And Tine didn't wanted his bestfriend and the man he like to have a bad relationship.

"Okay okay, why don't you both calm down and try to get along?"Tine asked and Amy put her hands up as if she's not interested and Sarawat shrugged it off.

"So, how was the day?"Sarawat looked at Tine and Tine of course being the happy being just being around Sarawat, grinned.

"Everything was fine. What about your's?"

"Honestly,I slept almost during all the class"Sarawat said and Tine chuckled.

"Is it that you don't sleep at home?"Tine just wanted to keep the conversation up rather than letting silence fall over them. Not that he was talkative,with Sarawat he just liked to hear his voice as much as he can.

"Huh, sleeping in class is a whole next level feel. Nothing can compare to it"Sarawat said and they both Chuckled. However a scoff came from Amy beside them,which was ignored as they found themselves getting along in a smooth conversation.

They talked about the same days school days and found out many things that they one know wasn't something that the other knew back then.

As much as they were interested in the conversation,the bell rang and they had to rush to their classes.

"See you later then"Tine managed to say before Any pulled him away but Sarawat asked something that caused his heart to beat faster.

"Would you like to join me for a drink tonight?"

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