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In the past few weeks Tine and Amy had gotten close to Ella that they often had lunch together, ofcourse with Sarawat included. But Sarawat has gotten so silent lately and he was often not around them and it worried Ella so much.

On the other hand Tine was seen alone rarely and most of the time had these two girls on his either sides and living in a judgemental society a few people weren't ashamed to make up dirty rumours about the three. But Tine didn't cared about it at all as he felt nothing more that having two sisters to take care of from the bad world.

"Mom will not be home tonight"Tine said and Amy looked at him.

"Where's she going to?"Amy asked.

"She's visited her bestfriends from college. So she said she might spend a couple of days with them and will be back"Tine said and Amy chuckled.

"Awww poor Tine is being held back by college"Amy said and he chuckled and pouted.

"True. But once this is all over and I get a good job, I'll someday after earning a lot, take a leave and take mom with me for a vacation"Tine smiled, already seeing the images in his head and Amy smiled at his smile.

"Tine,Amy"Came a voice from behind and they turned around to see Ella who just got off from the car and walked towards her.

"Goodmorning"Amy said and Ella smiled.

"Goodmorning to you two"She said and Tine nodded.

"He's not coming today as well"Ella said and Tine gritted his teeth.

"Aish that guy- she should be taking care of you"Tine said and she sighed.

"I don't if it's me or him who have to be taken care of now"Ella said and Amy frowned.

"Why would you say that?"Amy asked as they walked forward.

"I don't know what's wrong with him. He's so silent nowadays. He always text me to check up on me and scold me if I don't eat and all but he's bothered by something I guess. It's worrying me so much now"Ella said and Tine suddenly felt a worry hit him but he shrugged it off.

"Maybe he's busy or something-"

"He's living the same life as us, how's he busy and we're not?"Tine asked and Amy shrugged.

"Well, we're not really living the same life consideri he comes from a wealthy family and there's something that goes on like "after you father, it's you", so maybe his family is preparing him?"Amy asked and Ella shrugged slowly.

"I'm not sure"

"Just ask him when he sees you next. We should head for our classes first"Tine reminded pulling the girls with him.

The morning was boring as usual but after lunch the classes were dismissed for some important teachers meeting.

"No, I don't want to wait in the waiting area for hours. I won't go with you two"Tine shook his head vigorously and Amy rolled her eyes.

"Pfft, can't even do that for us? Besides we don't take that long"Amy said and Tine shook his head.

"You girls take forever to come out from a shopping mall. It's not like I hate it or something but I don't want to go today"Tine said and Ella sighed.

"Fine, we won't force you. But let's have dinner together, alright? I'll also call Sarawat and then you should come to dinner"Ella said and Tine sighed but nodded.

"Alright, be careful"Tine said and watched the girls get on Ella's car and leave.

Tine really would've went with them if it weren't for a text that kept him from going, he wanted to ignore it and follow the girls but somewhy the words Ella said that morning and the text kept bothering him.

He waited for the next bus going to his destination and got on it.

He followed the directions on the text and stopped in front of a wooden gate of the height only upto his shoulders, he could see the small but beautiful house inside the gate and he breathed out.

"It must be here"He said to himself but didn't dared to go in and suddenly he saw a figure walking out of the house and his heart clenched painfully.

Sarawat looked thinner than ever than made him look taller,but as he walked closer worry clouded over Tine seeing how tired he looked.

Sarawat opened the gate for Tine and Tine walked inside. Sarawat silently walked and lead the way, Tine didn't beleived him to follow him but in any case of attack he was sure that he could protect himself.

They walked into a beautiful place that must be the result of so much care and love. The garden had many sorts of fruits and flowers,,small and big trees, bushes and plants of many kind. Tine would've enjoyed it in any other case unlike a situation like this. He was bothered,so much that he couldn't appreciate the beauty of the place completely.

He wanted to ask a lot as in to why was he so silent lately? Why does he look so tired? Why don't he meet them often? and so on but he could only as one,

"Why did you wanted to meet me?"Tine asked and Sarawat let out a shaky breath.

"I- I need your help"it was almost a whisper but Tine heard it.

"Me? Help you? How could I ever help you, Sarawat? I have no money to offer to you. My body, you have used it once and I don't think me or you'll want it again. I certainly don't want to sacrifice my soul for someone like you"Tine never meant for it to sound rude but he was hurting himself with every word he spoke and the fact that Sarawat never once looked at him in the eyes and just kept it fixed to the floor.

"Excuse me, you're wasting my time-"Tine's eyes widened when he heard a shaky breath and a tear rolled down Sarawat's cheek. Before Tine could say or move Sarawat was already on his knees.

"I-im sorry- I'm so sorry"Now he wasn't holding back his tears anymore, tears were send down his cheek like stream and Tine's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry for all that I ever did........ I'm sorry for loving you........ I'm sorry for hurting you...... I'm sorry for being alive like this"Sarawat said shakily, his hands were on the floor like he couldn't support his body from falling and he was shaking so bad, so bad and gasping for breath every now and then.

"Please hurt me, please hurt me however you want but it'll never be the same as to what I put you through............ I just so......so lost........a soul with nothing but regrets and-....."

"I hate it"He breathed out, finally at lose of words as he cried harder.

Tine stared at the man at his feet with nothing but in in his eyes. He have never seen anyone, anyone in his life crying like this. Tears started falling from his own eyes as he sat on his knees and just wrapped his hand around Sarawat, pulling him into a closer hug, like he wished to do everytime he'll see the love of his life when going through a harder time.

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