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Tine's heart fluttered to his words and when he still didn't took Sarawat's hand, Sarawat himself took Tine's hand in his. Pulling him up and dragged him near the seashore with him.

Holding Sarawat's hand,it was already dusk and the water was slightly warm as it touched their feets and went back,like this Tine felt like he could go more into the sea. Sarawat didn't let their hold on eachother loosen and Tine clinged on to him.

"Haha, I feel like I'm with a kid playing here"Sarawat couldn't help but laugh at how Tine yelped and hugged his hand when the water almost reached upto their knees at one wave.

"Aaaah,what if I drown here?"Tine totally ignored Sarawat's words and closed his eyes tightly.

"Calm down,Tine. You won't drown here,alright? I'm here,okay"Sarawat said and Tine felt a warmth around his waist, Sarawat already had his one hand wrapped around Tine's waist while the other,he hold Tine's hand.

Although Sarawat seemed as he was enjoying the moment as the water touched and caressed their feets and legs everytime,Tine turned his head to admire Sarawat's side profile. Just as always,he was handsome, but with such a smile, he looked nothing more than just a young boy who's playing in the beach with no worries about anything.

In Sarawat's hold,he felt exceptionally secure. His heart wasn't tired even after beating so fastly that he like it would jump out of his chest. He gulped down when Sarawat turned his head and their eyes locked. Sarawat was still smiling beautifully and Tine was just staying still.

Once again Tine yelped as the water reached near their knees and he tried to run back but already hugged him from behind and pushed him in front,while still being careful not to let Tine be on his own.They and and pulled up eachother into and out of water, enjoying At this point they both were laughing and playing around in the water. In their own world,they didn't cared about the gazes they got, they didn't cared about how their outfits got wet from the salty sea water.

After what it seemed like hour's,they both walked back, breathing heavily and panting, exhausted, but they were still chuckling and giggling and they fall onto sand.

"We look like a mess"Tine commented after sitting down for sometime and catching their breath.

Sarawat wiped the water drops from his face,but the water already on his hand and clothes made it an action in vain. He chuckled and threw his head back,his hair, swiftly moved back from his forehead and Tine couldn't help but stare before looking away.

"I bet we look hot"Sarawat said after looking at the girls who walked past them and Tine scoffed.

"Really? You think so? I think it's just you"Tine said as he looked down and wipe sand off his body and it didn't made a lot of difference in how they are looking right now. Almost dirty, wet in salty sea water from head to toe and sand all over their clothes.

Right now if their parents were here, they both would've been getting scolded like kids for playing with sand and water without obeying them and not behaving.

However Sarawat took the chance to admire Tine and hummed.

"Hmmm,on a second thought you're right"Sarawat said and Tine raised an eyebrow.


"Nothing, I think it's just me who looks hot right now"Sarawat said Tine rolled his eyes and scoffed,but Sarawat chuckled.

"You rather look like a cute chick rescued from being drowning"Sarawat's hand acted on it's own and reached out to ruffle through Tine's hair.

Sarawat was sure that Tine's cheeks flushed and looked even cuter yet vulnerable. He immediately took his hand back and looked around. His thoughts weren't wrong, many male's and female's around were staring at Tine and him.

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