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"A drink? No way. Who knows what does that pervert want to do?"Amy whisper yelled.

They were in the class and Amy clearly was trying her best to stop Tine from going with Sarawat.

"Amy,keep your voice low. And why are you calling him pervert. Even though popular,he clearly is a male who never gazed at anyone with any bad intention"Tine was defending Sarawat.

"But that was when he was in a relationship. They broke up, okay?"

"Exactly. They broke up. And even if he want to have a relationship with me, it's not that bad considering I love him"Tine said and Amy stared at him, disappointed.

"When will you listen to me?"

"When you finally will say sometimes that my heart can allow"Tine said with the same tone and she just sighed and looked ahead, concentrating in the class.

Tine already knew that she would never agree with this,but does he really need her permission to do what his heart wants?


Both the boy's didn't dressed up too much since they were just getting some drinks.

"You're drinking a lot, slow down"Tine adviced seeing Sarawat chugging down drinks after drinks with so much passion.

"Don't worry. I have hight alcohol tolerance. Why aren't you drinking? Come on- you shouldn't have came along if you weren't going to drink"Sarawat complained and Tine looked at the drink in front of him. He actually have drank a few glass with Amy before but he most likely the one to get drunk with almost just one glass of it was any stronger drink and thanks to Amy who always took him back home without a single scar on him.

However in front of Sarawat,he didn't wanted to look like someone small,who can't even drink with him. In his mind he was thinking that Ella really must've been someone with a lot of alcohol tolerance and she drank with Sarawat often. Just this thought angered him and he chugged down the burning drink down his throat and immediately coughed and gasped.

"Hey hey, take it easy. Slowly"Sarawat immediately rushed to his side, rubbing his back as if to calm him down. But the touch felt different for Tine.

Turning his head,he didn't expected Sarawat's face to be so close to his. They stared at eachother for sometime before Sarawat finally realised and backed away.

"I'm sorry"he mumbled going back to his seat and Tine waved his hand,"no no, it's fine"

Even though it was just staring, Sarawat felt so wrong at his heart. Feeling guilty for some reason. Tine on the other hand felt his heart going crazy and oh,how much he hated that Sarawat actually backed away. 

Sarawat poured another glass for them both and pushed one towards Tine.

Both of them raised their glasses and Sarawat drank it at once while Tine took it slow, one sip at a time.

"You don't look like you drink a lot"Sarawat said and Tine thought he was being made fun of, Ella must've been better than him.

"No no, It's just that I haven't drank in a while"Tine lied and Sarawat nodded.

"It's okay,you can stop if you can't drink"

Without answering Tine finished the glass at once and Sarawat actually clapped his hand.

"Wow"he said and Tine can't help but grin. However he no longer was able to hide his curiosity. With each drink he took he was losing his control over the things he had control over.

"Did Ella used to drink with you?"

If it was any other time,Tine actually would've lost two of his teeth for bringing up a conversation about her. But since Sarawat was also quite into drinking,he answered honestly.

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