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He cuddled closer to the warm blankets and sneezed again loudly. His nose was more red than his whole face. He regretted spending time out in the balcony until he feel more sleepy. Unfortunately he fell asleep on the couch in the balcony and it was cold outside, his condition wasn't too well when he woke up next morning.

Having a fever, he decided to not go to college since he didn't felt good. Instead he snuggled under his warm blankets. He was hungry but felt too tired to go downstairs and cook something for himself.

He covered his face and once again sneezed loudly and rubbed his nose, irritated.

"Aah I'm so hungry"He murmured as his stomach growled. He pouted and looked at him phone,that he turned off sometime in the middle of the night.

Suddenly he heard the doorbell ringing and frowned.

"Who's it now?"He asked to himself as he slowly lifted his blanket off him and got down the bed. Once again the bell rang and again,if it wasn't that Tine is too tired to shout,he would've shouted and chased whoever it was out of the door, ringing bell like this without giving it a break.

"What the f*ck dude-"Tine paused as he opened the door and his face turned more red when he saw the male figure outside the door.

"It was her"He pointed at Amy peeking at Tine from his back and Tine sighed.

"I'm so sorry about it"Tine mumbled and Amy patted Nani's shoulder.

"Thanks for the ride. Phi is waiting in the car, you can go back"Amy said and Nani nodded and bid then bye's before going back to his car outside the gate, Dew was in the car waving at the two bestfriend.

"You're burning boy"Amy scolded after touching Tine's forehead and Tine sighed and coughed lightly.

"Get inside"Any said taking him inside and making him sit on the couch.

"Why are you here?"Tine asked,he wasn't expecting the visit.

"I was worried. I thought I will check up on you and Phi said he's passing by and will give me a ride"Amy said as he settled the carriage bags she was holding,on the table.

"I called you a lot of times but you didn't picked up. Then your phone was turned off. I practically was dying inside. You shouldn't turn off you phone like that"Amy said and Tine sighed.

"I'm sorry......."Amy whispered when Tine wasn't talking and Tine looked at her.

"I made a mistake"she whispered and Tine looked at her, guilt was written all over his face. He was sure that she was feeling sorry from the bottom of her heart and he hold her hand.

"Let's not talk about it-"

"I'm seriously sorry,Tine. I really was so angry and I said whatever,I-"

"Amy, let's not bring it up. I'm not mad at you"Tine said honestly and Amy looked at him.

"Really?"Amy asked nervously and Tine smiled.

"Really. Since, you brought me foods and I'm hungry"Tine shrugged and Amy Chuckled.

"I'll heat them up for you. And I'll go get medicines for you while you eat"Amy said as she stood up and took the bags with her to go to the kitchen.

"That's not necessary,girl-"

"Sshhhh, just listen to me. Alright. Go,sit there"she pointed at the couch and he sighed and shook his head with a small smile and went to sit on the couch.

In a few minute food that were heated by Amy was plated and arranged on the table in front of Tine.

"Thank you so much,girl"Tine said and she chuckled and took her bag.

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