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•First off, I apologise if the story is getting boring to read. Honestly I lost the touch of writing and I'm not someone who could write really well. I started writing when my mind couldn't contain anymore idea's filling within it that I had to write it down or tell it out. Both are hard if you know. And I was on a long break recently to focus on my life that I lost the thing with writing. So if in anyway you feel like discontinuing reading my stories,you always have the right to do so. Thanks to everyone who's supporting me❤️.

"James?"Ella smiled at the sight of her friend and he stood up from the couch to hug her.

"I was wondering why you wouldn't visit me anymore"Ella pouted and James stroked her hair.

"Well I was a little busy with packing up my things and all"James said and Ella frowned.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving for Switzerland tomorrow"James said and she gasped.

"Tomorrow? You didn't told me"

"You didn't answered my calls"James said and Ella apologised.

"I'm sorry, I haven't checked my phone that I used when I was away from here........."

"It's fine. I thought I would personally say goodbye to you"James said but his eyes still adored Ella even if his feelings were rejected.

"Why suddenly?"Ella asked and he smiled.

"There are people who love me, my family. They're waiting for me"James's said and Ella looked down and he chuckled as he took her hand in his and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm always ready to fly back if you want to see me. Just a call and I'll be on my way"he said and she chuckled.

"I know"she said and wrapped her hand around his torso,he hugged her firmly but sadly Ella couldn't fake feelings even if to make James happy for a split second.

"I love you"She said and both knew very well that she didn't meant it in the way James wanted it to be, but she meant it, she loved him like a very good friend.

"I love you"He said be pulling away from the hug and smiled one last time.

"Won't you stay for dinner?"Ella's mother asked and he shook his head.

"I would've loved to. But sadly I still go things to get done with before I leave"James said and she nodded.

"Have a safe flight"Ella said and he nodded as he took out a small box and handed it over to her.


"It's not much. I actually got it for you when I got my first salary from my first part time job. However never thought I would wait this longer to give this to you"He said and she smiled and hugged him again before letting him take his leave.

Sarawat was like a ghost the whole time in the living room,but he sure felt a horrible pain in his heart. His life was miserable and he was a terrible person,he felt and it was real.

Once Sarawat left after James ,Ella climbed the stairs and went to her room and opened the small box. Her eyes widened a little as her finger tip grazed over the purple heart stone pendant that took her to her early teenage days.

 Her eyes widened a little as her finger tip grazed over the purple heart stone pendant that took her to her early teenage days

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Born into a wealthy family,Ella could have anything she ever wished for. Her parents brought her gifts over gifts but none of this spoiled her as others expected. She found this necklace when they were taken from school for a one day out and wished to have it as her on and spend many hours adoring it just by looking at and at the end she left the shop with other students,she didn't even told her parents about the necklace. She remembered that back then James was nothing more than a classmate to her,not even friends like today. And that's when she realised, even if she knew James love for her, she was so caught up in Sarawat that she never knew from when............he loved her for so long yet he gave up without complaints when he realised that she didn't loved him the same.

"I'm sorry...... I hurt you"Ella whispered slowly as she put the necklace around her neck and it fit just right,she smiled weakly.


"I wonder why the girls like you two troublesome kids so much"Tine's mother chuckled looking at Tine and Amy sitting at the kitchen table, munching on small carrots.

"Because we're so good"Amy grinned and Tine smiled.

"Now I feel really guilty for thinking so bad of her........what could I do to make up for it all?"Tine asked and his mother smiled.

"Be a good friend to her. Treat her like a sister, respect her and care for her"She said and Tine smiled.

"Will that do?"he asked and she nodded slowly.

"Make her happy as long as you can"

"But I thought you wanted us to stay away from her and her family"Amy said and Tine's mother looked away from them, focusing on cutting the vegetables to make dinner.

"On a second thought, I shouldn't be selfish. Something's are to be kept personal. For me, why should I keep you my Little ones from having a good friend?"She asked and Amy shrugged it off, although she had strong guts that something was going on with Tine's mother.


Night got deep and dark,yet he sat on his bed, unable to sleep.

He had everyone and everything. He have everyone and everything.

But it's different now. Now he's just a body filled up with guilt and regret for all that he's ever done. Nothing could make up for anything he's done. Not apologies, not even his death because whatever happened is happened............he was just a soul trapped in a body trying to find ways to make up for the damages he's done, yet like the nights his path remained dark and deep, unclear to him..........

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