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Things were a bit slow between Sarawat and Tine after Tine started attending classes again. However, unlike before Sarawat started to be the one to take first step whenever they decided to go out or spend time together.

"Let's go to....... movies today. I've got tickets"Sarawat said smiling and Tine looked at him with a smile. Tine convinced himself that he'll let Sarawat have his time to learn his love and love him back. It was hard on Sarawat to have lost the one he loved a lot,Tine could understand being in love with someone who didn't even knew about his feelings before someone else told them.

"Sure, Amy do you have anything else to do?"Tine asked obviously wanting her to tag along and she couldn't be more happier than being with her bestfriend.


"Actually, I only got two tickets. They were the last one's, I was a bit late to get them"Sarawat said and Tine looked at Amy who has turned a bit red in embarrassment.

Tine felt a pang in his heart looking at Amy like that.

"Aaaah, I suddenly remembered that I have a date with my friend after classes. He'll be picking me up from home,so I have to hurry and get home. Don't want to keep him waiting"She chuckled but both the men stared at her.

"I have to go. Take care,Tine, and you, don't you dare treat him wrong"her warning directed toward Sarawat before she patted Tine's arm and turned around and walked away fast.

Tine could say that Amy sure wasn't feeling good and was stuck between Sarawat and her.

"Let's go? We'll be late"Sarawat touched his hand and he looked at him in realisation and nodded.

"Y-yeah, let's go"Tine said and Sarawat smiled as he hold Tine's hand and walked him to the car.

Sarawat was trying to find ways to be alone with Tine recently and he himself was surprised with his actions. He sure felt bad for leaving behind Amy but he couldn't help but want to be around Tine alone.

Sarawat found himself admiring Tine's side profile while the movie was running and he gaze fallen to Tine's plump soft lips, they were slightly pouting as he was so immersed in the movie and Sarawat suddenly had the urge to hold him in his hands,and kiss him,until they both lost breaths.

"Sarawat"Sarawat felt a hand on his knees and he looked at his left.

"Are you okay? Are you sleepy?"Tine asked once he noticed Sarawat staring at him but is spacing out.

Sarawat fake coughed and cleared his throat,licked his lips, obviously nervous.

"N-no, I'm not. I think, it's a bit hot in here"Sarawat said and wanted to face palm when Tine raised his eyebrows and looked around.

"It's not........maybe,you're not well?"Tine said and Sarawat again coughed.

"Right. I think I'm not feeling well. How about I wait outside?"he just wanted to get away, staying more with Tine made him wanted to do things with him and he's not sure what Time would feel about his thoughts and feelings.

"Then I'll go with you. I can almost guess the ending already"Tine shrugged and Sarawat looked at him helplessly.

"Sure"Sarawat said and Tine stood up, and followed Sarawat outside.

The park was still open with only a few people and there was an ice cream truck, where some small kids were running around holding the ice creams that their parents brought for them in their hands.

"That's cheating, I saw you put your leg out to make her stumble over it and fall"Tine said while helping the little girl who fall down and the boy who she was playing with, obviously didn't liked how a kid way too much older than them judging their game.

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