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Tine was looking for Amy who agreed to meet him after completing her assignment outside the library.

"Just where did she-"

"Let go off me, I'm fine I SAID"Tine stopped on his way when he heard scattered noises coming from the storage area after the library room.

"I won't hurt you , I promise-"


Tine felt that clearly something was wrong and he didn't hesitated to run over and slammed open the door and saw a boy stumble backwards away from a girl on the floor and looked at him shocked.

"Amy?"Tine's eyes widened as he quickly jumped on the boy, anger rushed in through his veins and he started throwing punches at the boy who was now begging him to let go.

"Do this to any one ever and-"

"I won't, I won't"The boy pushed Tine off him and ran away, almost falling on his way out and crawling away.

"Are you okay?"Tine hurried over to the female and helped her up and light fall on her face, it was Amy.

"T-thanks"She stuttered and she was almost crying and was about to fall when Tine loosened his grip around her shoulder but before she could fall he hold her and looked at her worried.

"Did he hurt you? What happened?"He asked as he helped her to walk a little and pushed of some old stuff that was on top of a wooden box and let her sit on it.

"He tried to, but you came at the right time"Ella gave him a smile and he checked her leg.

"I was carrying some sports equipment with him but when I was trying to put it on the top of the shelf I hurt my leg and fell down. He always had that nasty look on his face, never thought he would actually do something"She gave a disgusting look at the way he ran off through.

"You shouldn't be doing such heavy stuffs"Tine didn't knew what came over him but he scolded caringly and her gentle gaze linked onto him for a while before she smiled.

"No wonder he....... I'm really fine, Thankyou"She cut herself off and thanked him.

"Where's Sarawat? He should've been helping you"Tine said and she chuckled.

"God,it took me hours to convince him to go and I'll be fine here with you and Amy around. He had to take his mother to hospital"She said and he sighed.

"Fine, let me help you to the medical room"Tine said and she nodded slowly and put her arm around his shoulder and he supported her,it wasn't a hard tast as she seemed to losing weight continuously,in an unhealthy way ofcourse.


"You're okay now,right?"Tine asked when he walked out of the medical room with Ella and she nodded with a smile.

"Tine, I was looking everywhere for you"Amy came from the other end and looked at Ella and where they were coming from.

"What happened to you two?"She looked at them and Ella smiled.

"I sprained my ankle and he happened to pass by and helped me"

"Are you okay now?"Amy asked and she nodded.

"I was looking for you by library, where were you?"

"I finished my work a little earlier and went to look for you in your class"Amy said and Tine rolled his eyes and Amy shrugged.

"Anyways I'm hungry, let's go get lunch"Amy said holding Tine's hand and they looked at Ella looking down.

"Sarawat's not around, if you are okay with it, why don't you join us?"Tine asked and Ella looked at them quite surprised.

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