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"Did she really went back home?"Tine asked again as they sat away from the crowd of people dancing and enjoying themselves to the loud party and drinks with their friends and partner's.

"Mm"Sarawat hummed and took another sip of his drink.

"Are you sure that you both didn't fought and she went back home angry? Cuz she didn't texted or called me"Tine said and he hab a pout tugged to his lips.

Sarawat looked at but didn't replied.

"I knew it! I only wanted you both to get along. Aish, why are you two like this?"Tine pouted even more and Sarawat gulped down. Still can't find enough courage to ask it to Tine's face. What if Amy was just playing.He was scared, maybe of Tine rejecting it or of breaking Tine's hope.

A long silence lingered between them as Sarawat kept drinking until he got the courage to ask Tine.


"Hmm"Tine hummed,visibly disappointed in Amy and Sarawat.

"Do you love me?"Sarawat was staring straight into Tine's eyes saw how his beautiful eyes widened, he was clearly nervous and shocked.

Tine was speechless,he felt panic raising in him.

"Do you?"Sarawat asked again and Tine gulped down in fear.

"I-......"Tine couldn't complete his words as Sarawat placed his Hands on top of Tine's.

"Tine......."Sarawat's voice was quite shaky, his eyes teary. Tine have never seen such a side of Sarawat. It felt similar to how he looked the day Ella and him ended their relationship.

"I-i'm so scared"Sarawat said and his grip on Tine's hands tighened,not enough to hurt him tho.

"I'm so scared of being broken again........ I've had enough,this all is too much for me to take"Sarawat took his Right hand and hold his chest as is saying that it hurts so much.

Tine felt his eyes getting teary as well, seeing Sarawat like this hurts more than anything he have came through.

"I loved her so much that it hurts to make myself believe that she's no longer mine. I'm scared to be in love again....... I'm scared of everything.......I might not be able to start again any time sooner"Sarawat was crying at this point and Tine stood up and rushed to his side.

Without another word Sarawat was pulled closer to Tine's chest, Tine's hands around him caressing his back gently.

"I understand........I understand you........"Tine said and Sarawat only leaned more into the comforting warmth.

"It hurts a lot and I need time-"

"I can wait"Tine said and Sarawat looked up at him as he pulled away.


"I know, I know that it hurts for you. I don't know if you know but I've been hurting deep down because I've never had the courage to open up about my love for you. Secretly loving you from midschool, seeing you in love with someone else........trust me,it hurted too......And so I'm willing to wait, I'm willing to wait until you can love again, I'll heal you........just let me"if it weren't for the fact that Sarawat asked him first and showed how hurt he was,Tine wouldn't have been having the courage to let these words out of his chest any time sooner.

Staring into eachothers eyes,they don't know how long it took for them to finally lean in and let their lips collide against eachother. As if they were waiting for this moment,their eyes shut close as they enjoyed the slow kiss. It felt so strange,mixed with a lot of unsaid feelings.


"Do you really hate Sarawat that much?"Dew asked his sister who had her head on his shoulder, she was feeling down and he was their for her.

"I don't hate him..........I just, I just feel that it's not fair........ it's not fair how Tine feels for him,love him so much yet he's like a fool who can't see the poor boy's feelings...........I hate to see Tine in pain"

"Do you love him?"Dew asked and Amy scoffed.

"Ha! I'd rather die that loving my bestfriends crush"

"Tine, do you love Tine?"Dew asked and Amy stared at him shocked for some time before bursting out into laughter.

"Yah! How can you say that? He's my bestfriend. If anything, he's like a very close brother to me. If not,do you think I would've stick together with him after knowing he love someone else?"

"You're right"Dew said and Amy sighed.

"I just hope that he gets the best, he deserves it"Amy said from her heart and Dew nodded.


Walking back home alone,Tine could guess it was Amy who told her about everything and he couldn't even stay mad at her. Sarawat wanted to walk Tine home but he was so drunken and Tine had to take him back to his home. Tine didn't knew wheather he should be happy or disappointed at the situation he's in. Tine finally let Sarawat know about his feelings,even got to kiss him, but even if Sarawat already said that it'll take some time, could he love Tine?

His mom already left for work, leaving him to be alone at his house. The new excitement for the kiss still stayed in his head while he wasn't sure about how to feel. He loved Sarawat for real, and he is willing to wait for Sarawat until he's ready to give a chance to a love between him and Tine.

He took his phone and stared at the screen, misscalls and texts from Amy in the notification. He felt too tired to reply to all of it. Turning off the phone and putting it aside, he still found it hard to sleep.

He was tired, his heart was beating fast of nervousness, countless thoughts running in his head, he thought that he could sleep forever.......but everytime he closed his eyes, Sarawat's face was all that appeared in his mind. He couldn't sleep at all.

"I was so angry....... I wasn't thinking what I was saying.........what if Sarawat told him?"Amy shook her head frustratedly as she threw her phone to the bed and Nani patted her shoulder.

"It's okay. Even if they talked, wouldn't that be good. They might have a chance to figure out what's in their minds"Nani said and Dew nodded and put a hand around Nani's shoulder.

"That's right. You should go to bed now. You have classes tomorrow"Dew said and Amy just sat there without answering, rethinking her words.


Sarawat waited outside the cafe, head hung low, leaning his back on the wall and his hands in his pocket. From time to time,he was looking up and at his watch,as if waiting for someone.

And then he saw Any walking out of the cafe quickly.

"Hey, wait"Sarawat called as he followed but she didn't stopped or slowed down. Sarawat had no choice but to run up to her and stand in front of her, blocking her from walking further.

"Move aside"She said as she failed to walk further,as he was blocking her even when she tried to walk past him.

"Where's Tine?"Sarawat asked and she looked at him.

"Why should I tell you? I mean, you were the one who was with him last night. You should know"Amy said and walked to the side and Sarawat looked at her.

He was drunk last night,but somehow he still remember things from last night,maybe not all.
He was planning to apologise to Tine if he was hurt and the reason is himself.

He was starting to worry when Tine's phone was turned when he tried to reach him in the morning and didn't came to class today. He know that Any should know,but she wouldn't tell him even if he begs for her help.

"Should I go and check up on him? Will he chase me away?"he asked to himself as he stared at Any walking away, before finally making his mind, deciding to go and check up on Tine.

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