Chapter 3

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(A/N): 40 reads in one night? I didn't think I'd get 10, let alone 40 ;0; thank you to everyone who's reading!


I stayed in the shower for no longer than 15 minutes, kind of half-ass washing my hair. There was too much to think about.

Once I finished and got out of the shower, I threw on the pyjamas that I brought, putting my sweater overtop. Dan questioned me about it.

"Oh, just a tad cold is all." I flashed a smile and Dan showed me where I'd be sleeping.

"Are you sure I can use the extra bedroom? I'd be just fine sleeping on the couch!"
"Don't be silly (y/n). You're our guest. I wouldn't make you sleep on the couch."

We talked for a bit more, then Dan left. "Tell Phil I said goodnight!" I shouted at him, before climbing into bed.

~~ next morning~~

I woke up to the delicious smell of pancakes being made. I looked at my phone, 7:54 am.

'Who woke up this early to make pancakes?'

I got out of bed, putting my hair into a messy bun as I headed for the kitchen.

To my suprise, Dan was the one in the kitchen.

"Why are you awake at this hour, Dan?" I asked, stretching and yawning at the same time. "Where's Phil?"

"Oh, no reason, just couldn't sleep. And Phil's in the lounge picking out an anime to watch."
Dan casually answered. I headed into the lounge to meet Phil.

~~Dan's POV~~

'I can't believe I got up early to make (y/n) breakfast. What am I doing, trying to impress her? Yeah, nothing says 'cool' like burnt pancake batter.'

I internally laughed at myself, flipping the last pancake onto the pan when (Y/n) walked in.

'She's even cute in her night clothes.'

We talked for a few minutes, then she went to go sit with Phil in the lounge.

'Ugh. Stop thinking about her Dan. She probably doesn't like you. Probably.'

I plopped the last pancake on the plate and went to bring them out.

~~your POV~~

Dan brought out the pancakes he had made. There were atleast 15 stacked on that plate.
"Hungry, Dan?" I joked.
"Believe me, Phil and I eat like animals." He smirked as he picked one off of the plate.
I laughed.

None of us could agree on an anime to watch, so we we ended up putting on American Horror Story (Sorry if you don't like that show >.<) and eating up all of the food Dan had made.

"So, should we head over to your place and help you set up?" Dan asked Phil and I.

"Actuallyyy, I have some editing to do, so I guess you'll have to help her by yourself Dan." Phil said boldly, starting to walk out. I swear I saw him wink at Dan as he passed, and Dan's cheeks blushed a shade of pink.

"Well, I guess it's just you and me, Daniel." I said giggling.
"Don't call me that." He said laughing and pushed me lightly, walking towards the front door.


Dan helped me set up my bed, dresser, and desk, which took overall about 4 hours.

"Is this supposed to take this long?" I question, laughing at Dan as he tried to screw in a nail for the bookshelf, dropping it for the 6th time.

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