Chapter 17

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~~your POV~~

Dan, Phil and I were sitting in the lounge in their apartment, kind of doing our own things.

Dan was sitting at the left side of the couch scrolling through something on his phone, Phil was playing Grand Theft Auto on the playstation, and I was sitting in the black chair at the dining room table editing a video on my laptop.

Dan and I had made up, but that doesn't mean things were any less awkward.

I'd occasionally look up from my laptop towards Dan to find he was already looking over at me. I don't know which was more embarassing, the fact that I kept looking over at him, or that whenever I did he was already looking.

After the 6th awkward eye contact session, I finally finished editing. I started to upload it and went to go sit on the couch, knowing it would take a bit.

I sat inbetween Dan and Phil and started to watch Phil play gta. He was replaying one of Trevor's rampage missions for the eighth time today. After he got killed by the bikers again, he started to get angry.

"This is impossible! I can't beat this bloody mission!" He flailed his arms around in the air.

I laughed. "Phil, do you need some help?" I asked, still giggling at him.
"If you think you can do it, be my guest." He handed me the controler.

I completed the mission with hardly any problem at all.

"And that's how it's done, Philly." I held the controler out to him, and he snatched at away.

"You got lucky, (y/n)." He laughed.
"Damn Phil, (y/n) beat it on the first try, how do you feel about your life?" Dan mocked Phil and laughed.
I sat back and smiled at Phil trying to make up excuses.

"What can I say boys, it takes skills." I smirked. I looked over at Dan, and of course he was smiling at me.

'Why does his smile have to be so damn cute?'

I gave a weak smile back and quickly looked away.

Phil eventually gave up trying to play, and we all decided to go out. I ended up walking in between them. I'm not really sure where we were going, we just wanted to get out of the house.

As we were walking, my hand brushed up against Dans. We both looked up at eachother at the same time.

I got caught looking into his eyes for a second. His big, brown, beautiful eyes. I could see the sunlight sparkle in them. He smiled down at me. I turned away, but he kept his eyes locked on me.

'Still awkward.'

We were all walking side by side down the street when someone bumped into Dan.

He looked up to see who walked into him, and it was none other than Jessica. She also had someone who I was assuming to be her friend with her. She looked up at Dan.

"Oh, sorry, didn't see you there." She smiled her nasty little smile. Dan just smiled sarcastically back at her.

"Nice to see you too, Jessica." He sounded annoyed. They shared some awkward silence before she said anything.

"So, how's the single life been for you? Pathetic and lonely, I'm assuming?" She laughed at Dan. I could see her friend shift uncomfortably and look down at the ground.
"You'll never get a girlfriend, Dan. You're such a loser. What girl would want to date you?" She laughed again. All Dan could do was stare at the ground.

I couldn't just stand there and let him be treated like this. I looked back at Phil, then at Dan. Then, I walked up beside Dan and took his hand in mine and wrapped my arms around his arm.

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