Chapter 27

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Final chapter omg
Enjoy my angels <3


~~4 years later~~

I slowly opened up my eyes and brought my hand up to cover my mouth as I yawned. I lifted my head up from where it was resting on the inside of the hard car door and stretched, lifting my arms high above my head.

"You sure were out for a long time,
(y/n). I was starting to think you weren't going to wake up." Said a voice that I knew all too well.

"Hey, you offered to drive, so I get to sleep. That's the deal." I joked and smiled over at Dan, my husband of almost five years now, who was already smirking over at me.

"I kinda wish I hadn't. Why is California so bloody busy today? It's eight o'clock in the morning!" He complained, throwing his hands up while watching the traffic in front of us.

"Well, it is Christmas Eve, other people have families to go see too, Daniel. We're not the only ones." I laughed.

Dan sighed.
"Still haven't stopped calling me that huh?" He groaned.
"Daniel is your name, right Daniel?" I laughed.
"Ha ha, very funny. You're just lucky I love you." He chuckled and poked my cheek.

"At least California finally has snow this year." I said, looking out the window and at the thin layers of white covering the ground.
"Not exactly a 'winter wonderland', but it'll do." Dan laughed.

I sat looking out the window for a few minutes, humming quietly to a Green Day song and trying to refrain from yawning any more, when I felt my phone vibrate in my coat pocket. I took it out and unlocked it.

"Hey, I got a text from Phil." I told Dan.
"What'd he say?" Dan questioned, still keeping his eyes on the road in front of us.
"Uhmm..." I started to read the text from my phone.
"He said that it's really quiet at the apartment without your loud ass snoring echoing through the walls." I laughed.
"Shut up." Dan smiled. "What did he actually say?"

"He said that him and Carly are leaving to visit his family for Christmas Eve in a few minutes." I finished.
"Hold on, they've lived together for almost two years, and this is the first time Carly's meeting Phil's family?" Dan asked.

"Guess so." I answered him. "Some people like to take things slow, unlike someone else I know." I smirked at him.

"Oh, so you regret marrying me now?" He looked over at me and pulled a pouty face, pretending to be upset.

"Not even a little." I smiled and leaned over, kissing his cheek.
"Good, I'm not letting you get away from me again." His lips curled into a smile and he took my hand in his, holding the steering wheel with the other.

Dan continued slowly inching the car down the busy highway as we talked.
I noticed he kept looking in the rearview mirror at the backseat.

"Dan, would you relax please? They're fine, stop worrying so much." I smiled at him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Are you sure they're warm enough? I mean, it's really cold, they could get sick or something." He said, still looking in the mirror.

"You put them in three coats and two pairs of pants each Dan, I think they're warm enough. And besides, the weather's not much colder here than in London." I pointed out.

I turned my head and looked at the backseat, our two beautiful daughters sitting in car seats, sound asleep. They were the definition of perfect, and Dan and I loved them more than life itself.

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