Chapter 21

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Fetus Dan pls *.* ; w ;


I woke up and squinted, then covered my face with my hands. Once my eyes had adjusted to the light, I looked around. I didn't recognize the room right away, then I noticed Dan snoring loudly beside me.

'Oh yeah, we slept at PJs last night.'

I started to sit up, but about halfway up my head started to pound. I leaned back against the headboard on the bed.

My shifting must've woken Dan up. He rolled around in the bed and moaned.

"Fucking hell." He shielded his eyes from the bright sunlight. "Did we drink that much?" Dan asked, moving his hand up to his head.

"Apperently." I answered. I looked over at the clock on the wall, it was almost 10 am. We stayed in bed nursing our headaches for a few minutes when Dan sat up.

"We should get up now, or I'm afraid I'll never leave this bed." He yawned and stretched his arms out, then pushed the covers off of his body.

Dan tossed me my jeans and hoodie and I lazily stood up to put them on. I was just pulling my top over my head as Dan finished pulling on his jeans.

We walked out of the bedroom together and into the lounge where we found Chris and PJ sleeping on the couch.

They were both snuggled up close together, and Chris had his arm around PJ. Dan and I laughed quietly, careful not to wake them up.

Dan pulled out his phone and held it up to them.
"Dan, what are you doing?" I asked him.
He snapped a couple pictures of them lying on the couch, then put his phone back in his pocket.

"I gotta get him back for last night somehow. Blackmail's still a thing, y'know." Dan smiled mischievously at me, and I giggled.

"Peej really needs to go shopping." Dan said as he looked through the fridge. I closed one of the cupboards and sighed.

"Let's just go down to Starbucks." I pouted, taking his hands in mine. He groaned.
"But (y/nnnnn), it's so faaaar."
"It's down the fucking street, lazy bones." I laughed, pulling him by the hand to the front door.

"My hobbit hair is all over the place. Do you really want to be seen walking next to a hobbit?" Dan complained.

I picked up his jacket and held it out for him. He stared at it for a second, then sighed in defeat and took the jacket from me.


"Dammit. Why didn't I bring a jacket with a hood?" Dan cursed to himself as we were walking down the street. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Oh relax. Nobody's going to say anything." I reached up and ruffled his hair with my hand. He glared down at me and smiled while combing his fingers through it.

We got into Starbucks and stood in the seemingly endless line when we finally got up to the barista. We ordered drinks for ourselves, Phil, Chris and PJ, along with a breakfast sandwhich for each of us.

Dan was practically speed walking back to PJs place so nobody would see his hair.

"I don't know why you don't like your hair, Dan. I think it suits you." I said to him while carrying a tray of Starbucks drinks.

"Really?" He questioned, looking back at me.
"Yeah, cute hair for a cute guy." I smiled up at him.

"Saying adorable things like that isn't going to make me change my hair, (y/n)." He smirked.
"Well, I tried." I laughed while taking his hand as we walked.

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