Chapter 10

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~~Dans POV~~

We got to the hospital, and (y/n) was wheeled into an operation room. It turns out she had a head injury, and I guess it needed stitches.

Me and Phil stayed at the hospital until it was done, barely saying a word to each other. I was too nervous to talk.

After an hour or two, the doctor came out to see us. Phil and I stood up.

"Can we see her yet?" I quickly asked him.

"Ms. (L/n) is currently in recovery. Now I can take you to her room, but she is in a coma. The impact knocked her out pretty hard."

I flinched at the thought of her being hit by that car, by that asshole driving the car. But then I remembered, I was the reason that she ran out in the first place. I looked down at my feet.

"-yes, please take us to her." Phil chimed in.

We walked along the endless corridors of the hospital, and we finally got to (y/n)'s room.

The doctor opened the door for us, then walked out, leaving Phil and me alone with an unconscious (y/n).

I looked over at her from the other side of the room. She had cuts and bruises scattered on her face, neck and arms.

She wasn't wearing her dress anymore, instead she was put into a blue hospital robe. I could see her chest moving up and down slowly with her breathing.

I slowly walked over to her. With every step I took, the scars and bruises became more vivid. I took a seat next to her bed, and picked up her hand. I leaned my head down on the side of her bed, still holding her hand.

"I'm sorry (y/n).... I'm so sorry...." I started to sob into the sheets. Phil stood silently a few steps away from the bed.

I got up from the seat I was sitting in, and went to sit beside Phil.

"Phil... what did I do..." I asked as I cupped my face in my hands.
"I don't know Dan. I don't know. But all we can do right now is wait. I'm sure (y/n) will be fine." Phil said to me.
I sighed, standing up.

"If I wouldn't have said those stupid things.... If I would have trusted her... this wouldn't have happened...." I was now standing in the middle of the room, my fists clenched, staring at the ground.

Phil stood up. "Dan... calm down a little... (y/n) will be fine...." Phil motioned for me to sit back down in the chair. I whipped around, suddenly filled with anger.

"But what if she's not Phil?! What if I ruined it?! The only girl I have ever loved, and I fucked it up! She might die!! She could die at any moment now, and the last thing I told her was that I hated her!!"
I kicked a chair over on its side and knelt down on the ground, clutching my head.

All of a sudden, the room was filled with rapid beeping noises. I stood up, my vision blurred from tears, and noticed it was (y/n)'s heart rate monitor. Three nurses and the doctor from before came flooding into the room, and surrounded the bed.

"Son, you should leave. You might not want to see this happen to her." The doctor said to me.

"No.... no no no... S-she can't.... She can't die!!!" I started yelling, I'm not really sure to who. I tried pushing my way through the nurses, but Phil held me back and pulled me out of the room.

"Phil! Let go of me! I have to see (y/n)!!!" Phil lead me out into the hallway and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"DAN! Get a hold of yourself! There's nothing we can do, we just need to let the doctors do their jobs and hope for the best!" I could see tears start to well up in Phil's eyes. He pulled me into a hug, and we stood in the hallway, waiting for the nurse to come out.

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