Chapter 9

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About a week and a half later, Dan, Phil and I were sitting on the couch playing Donkey Kong Country, when we all received a text at the same time. The text read:

"BIG PARTY NEXT WEEK! Tyler Oakley is hosting his biggest party yet, everyone from the YouTube community is invited! Bring your friends, bring your moms, bring your cats, anyone! Meet at Tyler's place in London next Friday night @9pm sharp! Be there or be square!"

We all looked at each other.
"We going?" I asked.
"Oh, we're going." They both answered in unison.


That next day after we had all gotten the text, the three of us went out to buy some stuff for the party.

"What do you even wear to a party?" I questioned them as we walked towards a few fancy stores.
"Anything you want." Phil answered me.
"Ok, then I want to go in my sweatpants and hoodie."
"Anything but that. I don't want to show up to the party with a bum holding my hand." Dan laughed.

We entered this store with a lot of fancy clothes. They had dresses for pretty much every occasion, and suits the same.

I, of course, headed straight towards the black, and Dan followed me. Phil headed towards the dressy shirts.

"Ah, I see my sense of style has rubbed off on you."
"Just shush and help me look." I laughed.

I ended up picking out six dresses to try on, and Dan handed me another one.

"Dan. My grandma has this dress."
"I don't want any other guys looking at your gorgeous body. This dress will hide it." He exclaimed, looking proud of himself.
"Not happening." I took the dress he gave me and put it back on the hanger.

After Dan had eliminated 3 of the dresses so far, I tried on the 4th one I had picked. It was a black, skin tight dress, and I think I looked pretty good in it. I pulled open the curtain.

"Whadda you think of this one?" I asked both the boys. They were siting on seats just outside of the dressing rooms.

"Phil, do you think (y/n) looks sexy in this dress?" Dan questioned Phil.
"Well, yea I guess so." Phil answered.
"NEXT!" Dan shouted. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"You're impossible, Howell!" I yelled as I turned back into the change rooms.
"I can always go back and get the grandma dress I picked out for you!" He shouted back. I rolled my eyes again.

I put on the next dress, but before I came out I texted Phil.
(Y/n): Just say you hate this one, okay?

He answered almost instantly.
Phil: Sure thing (y/n). Dans pretty picky.
(Y/n): Tell me about it.

I came out in the dress. It was a long sleeved, black princess gown, but it was short, cut just above the knees, and had a belt made of silver jewels across the waistline.

"What do you think?" I looked at both of them. Dan looked at Phil.
"Meh, it doesn't really go good with your figure." Phil said, looking at me.

"We'll take it!" Dan stood up, and I smiled. As Dan was walking up to go pay, Phil looked over at me.

"You look beautiful." He mouthed.
"Thank you!" I mouthed back.

I took the dress off, and when I came out Dan had already paid, and they both had bags in their hands.

Dan had bought a light grey t-shirt, a black blazer and some nice shoes, and Phil bought himself a black and white checkered dress shirt, with shoes as well. We waved to the cashier and said thanks, then left with our party outfits.

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