Chapter 20

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After we had all finished eating, PJ had invited us all to come back to his place to do a collab for his channel. We all happily agreed, and started to walk to PJs place.

Dan and I were walking down the street, hand in hand beside each other. Chris, PJ and Phil were all in front of us chatting away.

I looked around us and let out a big sigh. Dan giggled at me.

"Tired, (y/n)?"
I smiled. "No, I just realized how lucky I am."
"How so?" Dan looked at me quizzically.

"Well, I have all of these incredible things, things I have dreamed about since I was like, six years old. I live in England, and I have the coolest job possible. I have amazing friends and the best boyfriend in the world, who means everything to me. It's all just so surreal. I feel like I'm the luckiest girl on the whole planet." I squeezed Dans hand tighter and rested my head against his arm.

"Tch, you're so cheesy." He smirked down at me. Dan let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist as we continued walking.

"I love you, (y/n). You and your cheesy rants." He leaned down and pressed his lips against my cheek.

I tried to look angry, but I couldn't hold it after looking at his smiling face. My frown quickly turned into a smirk, and I reached up and kissed him on the lips.

We walked in a pleasant silence for a bit, and I turned my attention to Phil, Chris and PJ. They were pretty into their conversation.

"No no no, she was totally flirting with you Phil!" PJ exclaimed, looking over at Phil.
"Really? I thought she was looking at Chris." Phil pointed towards Chris.
"No, totally you bro." PJ announced, I thought I heard a tinge of jealousy in his voice.

They continued talking, and Chris's hand brushed up against PJ's. They both looked up at each other for a second, then awkwardly turned away. They looked like Dan and I before we started dating.

I giggled and whispered to Dan. "When are they going to admit that they like each other?"

Dan looked up at them awkwardly avoiding each others gaze. He smirked. "Haha, I don't know. They should do it soon though."

He paused before continuing.
"They remind me of us before we got together. Maybe we should give them a push in the right direction."

Dan looked up at the sky, the stars slowly appearing in the dark blue sea of night.

I looked up at him, admiring his features. His perfect pink lips. His adorable dimples when he smiles. His big, beautiful brown eyes. Just his eyes alone would be enough to make anyone go crazy. And he was all mine.

'How can one person be so perfect? How did I of all people end up with him?'

I was doubting myself for a moment, when Dan peered down at me. I looked back up at him, and he continued to stare at me.

"Dan? What is it?" I asked him, but he didn't avert his gaze from me.
"Daaan? What are you looking at?" I smiled up at him.

"Sorry. I was just admiring how beautiful you are." He still didn't look away from me.
"Now who's cheesy?" I poked his cheek with my right hand and smiled. He laughed.

"I'm serious though. Don't ever doubt how perfect and beautiful and amazing you are, okay? I love you, and I will never stop loving you." Dan looked into my eyes with a serious expression.

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