Chapter 23

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Sorry for the late uploading ; n ;. I've been having pretty depressive thoughts and things like that lately. I haven't gone to school in 4 days, and I haven't really been in the mood for anything, even writing.
BUT ANYWAY ENOUGH ABOUT ME. Story time! Enjoy~~<3


~~Dans POV~~

I let out a heavy sigh when I heard (y/n)s phone alarm going off at 5 am. Phil was the first to get out of bed, then he slowly got (y/n) and I up.

(Y/n) decided to have a quick shower before we left. I was debating on whether or not to get in with her, but ultimately ruled it out realizing it would make Phil extremely uncomfortable.

After we all had gotten dressed and looked somewhat presentable, the three of us headed down to the reception desk to check out.

The woman working there looked almost as tired and emotionless as me. We shared some lazy conversation before waving and exiting the hotel.

We had rented a car for the time we were going to be in California, it'd be a lot easier than taking the train.

(Y/n) offered to drive, as Phil and I were still getting used to the 'driving on the other side of the road' thing.

We all sleepily shoved our suitcases into the trunk and got in the car. I was sitting shotgun and Phil was behind (y/n) in the backseat, and we drove off.


After about half an hour, Phil had fallen asleep laying his head against the inside of the car door. I couldn't blame him, I could've plopped down anywhere and slept like a baby.

"Y'know you can sleep too, Dan." (Y/n) smiled over at me.

"Hmm..?" I heard only half of what she said from being so tired. She giggled.

"You're going to pass out. Get some sleep." She occasionally turned her eyes towards me while driving down the dimmely-lit, deserted highway.

"No no, I'm fine. I want to stay up with you so you won't be alone." I rubbed my eyes and sat up straight to prove I wasn't tired, when I gave a big yawn.

"Dan, if you're tired, then sleep. I'm alright." She smiled over at me.

"I'm not sleeping (y/n). Not even if I wanted to." I reached over and grabbed her hand that wasn't holding the steering wheel.

"You're weird." She laughed at me.
"You're weirder." I chuckled back.

I needed something to distract myself from sleeping, so I got out my camera and decided to vlog.

"Hey guys." I started while rubbing my eyes. "It is currently 6:18 am, and we are on our way to Sacramento, California. Yaaaaay." I tried to cheer enthusiastically, but it came out sounding really weary.

(Y/n) laughed and I turned the camera towards her.
"You sound happy." She smirked over at me.
"I am, can't you tell?" I asked while sarcastically smiling at the camera.

"How about Starbucks to wake us up?" (Y/n) asked while pulling through the drive-thru.
"Sounds good." I smiled.

"Should we get Phil anything?" (Y/n) looked back at Phil, still asleep.
"Nah. You snooze you lose." I smirked as (y/n) drove up to the speaker to order.

(Y/n) got us both large size drinks, and got one for Phil just incase he woke up.

"Alright, I'll be up until Christmas." I held the hot drink up to my lips and took a sip, still recording on my camera. (Y/n) laughed as she took a sip of her coffee.

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