Chapter 11

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This picture literally breaks my heart bc Dan looks so sad in it ;-; IM SORRY FOR THE LATE UPLOAD ;0;


I could feel my heart stop.
'What? What is she talking about? This isn't a time for jokes.' I thought.

"What? What do you mean who are you? I'm Dan, and that's Phil." I pointed behind me to a confused Phil.

"Am I supposed to know you?" She questioned me.

All I could do was stare.
"You don't remember me?" I quietly said to her.

"...I'm sorry. I don't. I'm so sorry." She looked up at me sadly.

"No... How...? Why...? I started to raise my voice.

"You can't just forget about me! This can't be happening!" I jumped down and clung to (y/n)'s arm, tears starting to come from my eyes.

"Dan? What's wrong?"
She looked down at me hanging off of her arm. Phil came over and put his arm around me, leading me out of the room, just outside the door. The nurse followed.

"What just happened? Why doesn't she remember me?!" I yelled at the nurse.

She started to explain to me.
"The impact from the car hit her head in a bad place. We did many tests on Miss (l/n) early this morning, and it turns out she has retrograde episodic memory loss, which is a form of amnesia. She doesn't remember anything from her past, and we're not sure when she will regain her memory, if she ever will."

"Are you kidding me?! And you people can't do anything about it? Give her medication, pills, something! She cannot just forget everything!" At this point I was practically screaming at the nurse.

"Dan! It's not her fault, so stop taking it out on her!" Phil said, trying to calm me down.

"I think you both should head home, get some sleep, and come back a little later today. I know (y/n) could use a bit of rest aswell." The nurse looked at me and Phil.

"Yes, we will be back later then. Let's go Dan." Phil tried ushering me towards the exit.

I looked through the little window of the door into (y/n)'s room. She noticed me and smiled, then waved. I wiped some tears from my face and gave a weak smile back at her.

I started to walk away from the door. I heard the nurse enter (y/n)'s room, and (y/n)'s voice.

"Why was Dan crying? Where are him and Phil going?"

"They're going home sweetheart, they will be back later...." The voice, who I assumed to be the nurse, slowly got quieter as we left the hospital.


When me and Phil got home, I sat down on the couch in the lounge, my head in my hands.

"She doesn't remember me.... she doesn't remember us Phil....."

Phil came into the room and sat down beside me. He stared at the wall and sighed.

"The nurse did say she could regain her memory... And we can help her get it back. Just... think positively Dan. She's alive and well. Now, we should get some sleep. We can go back to the hospital and see (y/n) later." Phil lightly punched my arm, then left for his room.

After a few minutes of silence, I stood up and went to my room.

I tossed and turned in my bed for about an hour, and decided I wouldn't be getting any sleep. I grabbed my laptop from my desk, where I had left it the night before.
I scrolled through (y/n)'s videos and chose to watch the dare video her and I did, around three weeks ago.
"Hey guys!" (Y/n) waved at the camera. "So today I'm here with this twat, as you can see." She poked my cheek.
"I'm not a twat." I laughed.

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