Chapter 6

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Whoa. I have no idea how this crap story got 250 reads. Ily all so much ;0; This chapter will be uploaded pretty late as I am nocturnal. And I was having a serious talk with my friend and until 2 am and I wasn't able to continue writing it. I appologize!

But you finally get to find out about your backstory! No spoilers~ Enjoy this chapter~


The next morning, Phil had left early to go visit his friend back in Manchester, so Dan and I had the day to ourselves.

"Daaaaaan. Get uppppppp." I groaned at him. "It's eleven-thirty. Get out of bed, I wanna do something." I told him, lazily hitting him with a pillow while standing beside the bed. "Don't make me get the ice tray again."

"What do you waaaant." He mimiced me, still laying with his eyes closed.

"I want to do somethingggg. It's a new dawnn, it's a new dayyy, its a new liifffeeee!" I sung as loud as I could, and Dan threw a pillow at me.

"You know I hate that song." He laughs.
"Then get the fuck outta bed and get dressed. I wanna go out." I demanded, climbing on top of him.

"It's kind of hard when there's a fucking walrus on top of me." He joked. I flicked him in the ear in return.


An hour later, after he had gotten dressed and fixed his hobbit hair, we walked outside.

"I wish you wouldn't straighten your hair. I like my little hobbit." I said, poking him in the side. "I can't be the only one who likes it."

"Believe me, you are." He replied, smiling and grabbing my hand.

"A-are you sure we should hold hands in public?" I asked him nervously, looking around us for any crazed Danosaurs.

"(Y/n), don't be so worried. I'll protect you if anyone shows up." He gave me a reassuring kiss on the cheek.

"Well, since you took so long to get ready, you get to buy us lunch." I stated.
"What? That's hardly fair. And I don't take that long." He argued.

"You take longer than me! And I had to do my makeup and (curl/straighten) my hair!" I argued back, squeezing his hand a little. He laughed.

"Fine. Where would you like to go for lunch, your highness?" He asked me, bowing sarcastically.
"Hmm.... I think I'd like Nando's for lunch." I said.
While he was still bowing, I jumped on his back so he was piggybacking me.

"Take me to Nando's, peasant slave!" I demanded, pointing in front of us.
"That's like a fucking mile away!" He complained.
"Onwards and upwards! No time for complaints!" I ignored his pleas. He sighed, then hoisted me up on to his back so he could walk.

When we finally got to Nando's, we sat down and waited for the waiter to come take our order.

He asked Dan first, then me. Dan ordered a grilled chicken burger, and I ordered a double chicken wrap.

It was then the waiter looked at me.
"Oh, great choice! Would you like my number to go with your order?" He smiled and winked at me.

I could see Dan shift uncomfortably in his seat, practically staring a hole through the waiter.
I grabbed Dans hands on top of the table and interlocked my fingers with his.

"Sorry, we're on a date right now." I turned and smiled at Dan, and he smiled back.
"Tch." Was all the waiter said, staring at Dan. He quickly turned on his heel and left. (I know waiters don't take your order at Nando's, I just needed it for this part mmk ^.^)

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