Chapter 25

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Sorry this took so long, I kept rewriting and editing stuff cause I wanted it to be good.
I tried to make it somewhat creative? Lemme know how I did ; w ;


A couple days after my birthday, Dan and I had planned to pick up my brother from school and we would all go do something together. But of course, at the last possible minute Dan said he wasn't feeling the greatest, so I had to go get Nathan by myself.

I wasn't particularly thrilled about going alone, but I had promised Nathan that I would go. I decided I would be nice and went to take him out of class early.

I pulled into the school parking lot and parked the car. The drive didn't take that long, and I was amazed I still remembered how to get there considering it's been almost seven years since I've been to that public school. Pulling the keys out of the ignition, I pushed open the car door and started towards the front doors of the building.

I got into the office and talked to the secretary for a bit, and she told me I could head up to Nathan's classroom. He had the same seventh grade teacher as I did, so I guess she remembered me.

I knocked lightly on the open classroom door, and everyone turned to face me.

"Ah, miss (y/n) (l/n), come in, come in!" The teacher, Ms. Scott, said as she stood up from her desk at the back of the classroom.
"Hi, sorry, I didn't mean to disrupt lessons or anything." I awkwardly pulled my jacket sleeves over my hands and stepped inside.
"Oh don't worry about it hun. I take it you're here to pick up Nathan?" She said and looked over towards Nathan who was already packing his things into his backpack.
"Yeah, I am." I smiled and looked over at him.

While I was waiting for Nathan, I was talking to Ms. Scott.
"So I heard you moved to England about a year ago? What brought you back here darling?" She asked me.
"Oh, ah, my boyfriend Dan bought us and our friend Phil plane tickets so we could come and visit for my birthday." I told her while crossing my arms.
"He sounds like a sweet boy!" She exclaimed. "I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy." She smiled.
"Yeah, me too." I smiled and looked down at the ground, blushing.
Nathan finally had his stuff together and came up and stood beside me.

The other kids in the class were whispering and talking to each other when a couple of them spoke up.

"(Y/n), you're my favourite youtuber!" One girl sitting near the back shouted.
"Oh, thank you!" I turned and smiled back at her.
"Are you and Dan still together?" One of the boys sitting near the front asked. I saw Nathan face palming beside me.
"... Yes we are." I smiled shyly.
"Are you two getting married?" Another girl asked.

"Alright, I think (y/n)s had enough playing 20 questions for now." Ms. Scott smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder.
"It's alright," I smiled. "I don't know if Dan and I will be getting married anytime soon, but we are definitely in love." I replied to the girl and smiled shyly at the ground. I could hear some of the girls collectively 'awhh!' and most of the boys just made disgusted faces, including Nathan.

After a few more questions about Dan and I, Ms. Scott got them to quiet down, and Nathan and I left the school.

"Wow, I didn't know I was so popular with your friends." I said to Nathan as we were getting in the car.
"Yeah, you being a famous youtuber and all has gotten me quite a lot of playground cred." He smirked and flipped his hair.
"Well, you're welcome then." I teased and punched his arm lightly.


When we got back home, I noticed my moms car wasn't in the driveway.
I unlocked the front door with my keys and went in with Nathan behind me.
The house was deathly quiet.
"Dan?" I called out, but no answer.
"Phiiil? Mooom?" Still no response.
I trudged up the stairs to my room where I had left Dan, supposedly sick and bedridden. Nathan followed behind me.

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