Chapter 12

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Phil and I went to visit (y/n) everyday while she was in the hospital. We enjoyed going, it had become part of our daily routines.

(Y/n) loved when we came to the hospital, she was always complaining how lonely she was.

"Sometimes even the nurses don't talk to me that often. It gets really lonely. You guys need to come visit more!" She said to me and Phil.

She was sitting in her bed, still in the same spot she was when she first woke up, almost two weeks ago. The doctor had said he wanted to keep her under surveillance, just incase anything else had happened to her head or brain that they hadn't noticed. She also had a broken ankle, but it was healing quickly, she could almost properly walk on it.

"But (y/n), we visit you everyday!" Phil said, and we both giggled at her.

"Oh... well come for longer then! It's no fun by myself!" she puffed her cheeks out and folded her arms across her chest.

'She's so fucking cute. I just want to hug her all day.' I smiled at (y/n) .
She tried to scowl at me, but couldn't hold it and started laughing.

(Y/n) started playing with her (h/l) hair.
"Do I have any family?" She asked Phil and I, looking at her hair. Phil looked at me.

The nurse had told us not to tell (y/n) anything about her past, and little, if not anything about her family or friends. They wanted everything to heal properly without any delays, so she shouldn't be stressed out.

"Um, yes, you do (y/n)." I said hastily.
"Do... do they like me?" She asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Phil looked at her.
"Why wouldn't they like you (y/n)? They're your family."

"Well, the only people that have come to see me are you two. Don't get me wrong, I love being with you both, but... does anyone else care?"

"Hey hey hey," I walked over and sat beside (y/n). "Lots of people care. Your family lives back in California, that's why their not here. Of course they care about you." I took her hand.
"We care about you. Why would you even ask a silly question like that?" I looked at her and smiled. She smiled at me, then Phil.

"Wait, so where are we now?" She asked us.
"We live in London, United Kingdom, as do you." I told her.

She got excited.
"Really? I always wanted to live in London, ever since I was really little!"

Phil and I looked at each other.
"What did you just say (y/n)?" Phil asked her.
"I said, ever since I was little--!" She covered her mouth with her hands.
"Oh my gosh! I remembered something!" She jumped up and down in her bed excitedly and Phil clapped.

"Tell me more stuff about me!" She asked Phil and I.
"I-I don't know if we should (y/n), the doctor told us to not stress you out too much." Phil explained to her.

"Phiiiiilll! Pleeeeeeaase!" She begged. Phil gave a sigh of defeat, and we started to tell (y/n) about her family.

".. So I have a brother, and his name is..... don't tell me...." She was thinking really hard, she was even making a thinking face.

"(Y/n), don't think so much. You'll blow something in your brain." Phil joked.

"Ughhh!" She groaned and threw her head down into her lap. I heard her sniffle.
"Hey, (y/n), are you okay?" I asked her, putting my hand on her back.

"No, I'm not! I just want to remember! I want to get out of this room! I want to go home!!" She sat up and wiped some tears from her eyes.

"Ugh...I'm sorry... I'm sorry." She cupped her hands in her face.
"Don't appologize. I know it must be frustrating." I rubbed her back to try to calm her down.

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