Chapter 14

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I didn't even get to my bedroom before collapsing onto the floor crying. I leaned against the wall with my arms wrapped around my knees, and put my head down.

'Why... why did I say all of those mean things to him?'

I knew I had every right in the world to be mad at him, and I was. But, there was a part of me that still wanted to be with him, even if he did what he did.

I swear, he could take my heart and stomp on it, break it into a million pieces, and I would still pick it back up and give it to him again.

I was still sitting on the floor crying like crazy, when I heard a light knock at the door, along with a voice.

"...(y-y/n)? It's Dan. Please open the door." He asked quietly, still tapping on the wooden door.

I ignored him. I didn't want to hear what he had to say, he obviously let all of his true feelings out at the party.

"You just pretended to love me."
"I never want to see you again."
"I hate you."
"I hate you."
"I hate you."

His words echoed through my head over and over again. Just thinking about him saying those hurtful things to me made my heart ache.

Eventually he gave up trying to get me to talk to him, and I heard the door across the hall open and close quietly, then silence.

I continued weeping on the floor for 30 minutes, then finally got up the energy to walk to my room. I lifelessly crawled into bed, pulling the covers above my face, and fell asleep.

~next morning~

I woke up next to a tear stained pillow and blankets over my head. I reached out of my little cave I had put myself in, and grabbed my phone from the night stand.

Sometime during the night I had turned my phone off. Dan wouldn't stop texting and calling me, over and over.

I checked the time, 9:56 am. I stayed in bed for a couple minutes before I could be bothered to get up and make breakfast for myself.

I draped my covers around my shoulders and started towards the kitchen. I had put a package of oatmeal in the microwave when I heard another knock at the door.

"(Y/n)? It's Phil. Let me in." I tried to ignore him and continue making my oatmeal, when I got a text. It was from Phil.

Phil: (y/n), I know you're awake. I can hear the microwave beeping.
(Y/n): no you can't
Phil: Just let me in, please.

I groaned, but decided to let him inside. I opened the door a crack, still with my blanket around me and overtop of my head.

"What do you want?" I asked him, pressing my face against the doorframe.

"To talk, I wanted to see how you were doing." He replied to me, opening the door so he could come in.

I walked over and sat on the couch cross-legged. Phil came and sat beside me.

"So uh, how are you?" He asked me.
"Fine." I lied to him. I was anything but fine.

"I don't think you are, (y/n). Dans been in his room since last night aswell, he hasn't spoken to me or anyone since."

"Why should I care?" I said coldly. He seemed almost surprised by the sharpness in my voice.

"(Y/n), he just wants to talk to you, he wants a chance to explain things." Phil calmly said to me.

"Why should I listen? He said everything he needed to say at the party. He doesn't want anything to do with me, so I'll just get out of your lives." Tears started to build up again, a few fell from my eyes. I just let them fall.

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