Chapter 8

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This chapters going to be about a romantic date with Dan. I wanted to let you guys have a break before I pile on more feels. Your welcome! enjoy ;)


After that night, Dan made me promise him that I would stop cutting, or at least try to. He vowed to keep me safe from anything that could harm me or hurt me in any way, and I did the same. We protected each other, and I didn't want it any other way.


It was a few days after that whole incident. Phil was back home, and Dan and I were closer than we've ever been. They were both sat in the lounge when I came in, just waking up.

"Morning beautiful." Dan looked at me walking in.
"Morning Phil." I ignored Dan.
"Good morning (y/n)!" Phil joined in.
"Hey, what the hell?" Dan smiled and pulled me onto his lap. Me and Phil laughed.
"Good morning handsome." I kissed his cheek.

~~time skip to like 4:00 pm~~

"Hey, we should go out." Dan said to me. I groaned and squirmed on the couch a little.
"But Daaaan, I'm tiiirreeed."
"You sound like a little kid." Dan laughed at me, and Phil giggled a little.
"Go get dressed. There's something for you on your bed in your apartment. Y'know, the one you're never in."
I punched his arm.

"Fine, I'll just never come over here again then." I started to stand up, but he pulled me back down on his lap.
"I didn't say that." He teased and kissed my lips.
"I'll be back then." I stood up and left for my place.


I was pretty surprised. Laid out on my bed was a gorgeous black dress (pictured above), along with 4 inch black pumps, and a matching purse.

'He knows me well.' I thought as I smiled, looking down at the outfit Dan picked for me.

I picked up the dress, and noticed there was something underneath it, still laying on the bed. It was a lacey black bra, and black lacey panties to go with. I rolled my eyes and smiled even bigger.

'He's such an idiot.'

I put on everything Dan had bought, including the bra and underwear, *blushies* and looked at myself in the mirror. Everything fit perfectly. I guess he really does pay attention. I quickly decided to (curl/straighten) my hair, fix up my makeup a bit, and walked back over to Dan and Phil's place.

When I got back, Dan was no longer on the couch, but Phil still was. He looked up at me.

"(Y/n)! You look amazing!" I smoothed down some of the ruffles in my dress.
"Really?" I questioned.
"Really." Phil assured me. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and Dan was stood beside me.

"Hey, no flirting with (y/n), Phil." He placed his hand on my hip, and I lightly punched his arm. Phil just laughed.

I noticed Dan was in a suit, and even had a tie. His suit was black, the same shade of black as my dress.

"You really planned all of this out, huh?" I turned to him, and I straightened his tie.
"You're worth it. And you look absolutely gorgeous." He told me, then kissed me.

"Okay, now you kids don't go to far or you'll get lost." Phil told us.
"Bye Phil." Dan said saracastially, pulling me by the hand towards the door.
"Bye!" I waved back at Phil before following Dan.


"So, where are we going, Prince Charming?" I looked up at him, and he smiled back down at me.
"You'll soon see, my princess." He took my arm and linked it with his, and we walked side by side.

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