Chapter 13

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I'd just like to thank MagicalKristaHowell for making the new cover for me! Go check out her books💖


After that, the doctor had let (y/n) go out with us almost every other day, and she was getting stronger. All of her wounds had healed, including her broken bones, so she didn't need to take as many medications anymore. She was almost back to normal, she just needed her memory back.

We had missed the concert (y/n) bought me tickets for, which I was kind of looking forward to.

"Really?" Phil questioned (y/n).
"Yep! The doctor said I could leave the hospital tomorrow, and I can go home! There's only one problem, I don't know where home is." She laughed.

I was glad to know this amnesia thing wasn't bothering her that much anymore.

"That's amazing (y/n)! We can't wait to bring you home!" I said and smiled.

As we were talking, a nurse happened to pass by (y/n)'s room and noticed me and Phil still there. She peeked her head inside the door.

"Are you boys still here? It's already forty-five minutes past visiting hours!" She scowled at Phil and I.

"Oh please Vanessa, can't they stay for a little longer?" (Y/n) pleaded to the nurse.

"I'm afraid not, now out you get boys. Miss (l/n) needs her sleep." She ushered us out of the room.

"But I'm not tired!" (Y/n) whined at the nurse, but we were already out the door. We turned back and waved through the window to (y/n) and she waved back.


I spent most of the night cleaning up Phil's and my apartment. It was a mess, and I wanted everything to be perfect for when (y/n) gets back. She was going to be staying in our guest room for a few days, the doctor said she shouldn't be left alone.

When I had finally finished, it was 1 am.

'Better get some sleep, we have to go get (y/n) at 11.'

I headed to my room and plopped into bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

~next morning~

This time, it was me waiting for Phil at the front door.

"Phil! Let's go! We've gotta go pick up (y/n)!" I shouted at him. He came down after a few minutes.

"Now who's taking forever?" I smirked at Phil.
"Oh shush. It's only 10:30, we have lots of time Dan!"

"I know, I know, sorry. I'm just really excited." I smiled and looked down.

"I know you are, I am too. So let's go!" Phil opened the door, and we left.


We asked the lady at the reception desk if (y/n) was ready for us to see her. She informed us that (y/n) was waiting for us in her room, so we headed up.

When we got up to the room, (y/n) was asleep on her bed. She was fully dressed, hair done and everything. Phil and I smiled at her. We walked closer over to her bed, and I tapped her shoulder.

"(Y/nnnnn)." She opened her eyes and squinted.

"Dan...? Wait, Dan?! Did I fall asleep?!" She shot up from the bed and looked at the clock on the wall.

"I totally did. Ohmygosh, I'm sorry! I was up early this morning packing my things and getting ready!" She stood up and grabbed the little suitcase we had brought her a few weeks ago. It had her clothes and some essentials, like her toothbrush and things.

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