Chapter 22

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Sweet jesus. Punk edits will be the death of me.


"Surprise? What kind of surprise?" I looked at Dan, kind of confused.

"Okay, well..." He started to explain, but got cut off by his cellphone ringing. He sighed heavily, then took it out of his pocket.

"Ugh. One minute, (y/n)." He quickly kissed me on the cheek and answered his phone while walking into the hall, closing the door behind him.

I sat on the bed in silence for a few minutes, when I heard Dan talking in the hallway.

"I can't right now! (Y/n) is over in the next room!" He told whoever he was on the phone with. My stomach churned a little.

'Could... could Dan be cheating on me? No! Don't even think that (y/n). You're just getting paranoid over nothing, of course he's not cheating on you. You can trust him.'

I tried to ignore the feeling, but there was still that small bit of worry in the back of my head. After a few more minutes, Dan came back in and sat down on the bed beside me, taking my hands in his.

"Okay... uh.. where was I?" He looked down at his feet, thinking.
"The surprise?" I reminded him.
"Right right right. Okay.." He took a deep breath in and looked into my eyes.

"So... your birthday is in a few days... and I was kind of struggling on an idea of what to get you. Now I know you said you didn't want anything big or expensive... but I think you will love it, and it's completely worth it." Dan let go of my hands and pulled out an envelope from the inside of his jacket. He handed it to me.

I looked up at him before carefully sliding open the envelope with my fingers. Once it was open, I pulled out the contents and looked at them.

"... Tickets?" I looked up at Dan.

"Plane tickets. For California." Dan looked back at me with hopeful eyes.
I didn't say anything, just stared at the tickets in disbelief.

"You said that you didn't want a big party or anything, and I remember you kept saying that you would love to go and visit your family, so... I figured this would be perfect." He placed his hand on my thigh and smiled at me.

When I still didn't say anything, Dan looked a little worried.
"Do you not like it?" He sounded discouraged.

I looked up and gave him a big smile.
"...Of course I do! Thank you so much Dan, this is amazing!"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a big hug. He was surprised at first, but then hugged me back tightly.

"I'm glad." Dan pulled away from me, only to lean back in with a kiss.

"I already called your mum, so her and Nathan both know. And I hope you don't mind, but I invited Phil to come with us, I thought Nathan would've wanted to meet him too." Dan held my hands in his.

"I don't mind at all!" I beamed. He smiled sweetly, then turned it into a bit of a frown.

"I'm sorry I pretty much left you all week. I was trying to get the tickets and sort everything out in time, that's why I was away everyday. I didn't mean to ignore you." Dan looked down to his lap.

Just seeing how much he was trying made me ten times happier.
I felt really guilty, Dan had been working his butt of just to make me happy, and here I was accusing him of cheating on me.

I squeezed Dans hands and looked up at him.
"Don't be sorry. You make me so happy Dan, just seeing how much you've been thinking about me is amazing. I love you, so much." I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him gently, loving the feeling of his soft lips on mine.

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