Chapter 16

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~~Dans POV~~

I could see the hurt in (y/n)'s eyes when Jessica insulted her. I swear, I wanted to tell Jess to get the fuck out of the building right there. But, what (y/n) did was so much better. I had to turn away so she wouldn't see me laughing.

As soon as she walked out I wanted her to come back. I missed talking to her, I truly did. I hated how sad she looked all the time. Everytime she looked at me, I could see the cloudiness in her eyes. The sparkle was gone. She wasn't happy, I knew she wasn't. And I did it to her. It was all my fault.

I don't even know why I started seeing Jessica. I guess I was just afraid of being alone, like I needed to have someone by my side. When (y/n) got in that accident, and I thought she was going to die... I felt so alone. I didn't want to feel like that, ever again.
I heard Phil laughing in the kitchen, and Jessica was angrily picking speghetti noodles out of her hair. Phil came back in with some paper towel for her.

"Here, this might help." Phil handed her the roll and smiled. She snatched it from his hand and glared at him. Phil then turned around and rolled his eyes, and headed up to his room.

After Jessica had gotten all of the sauce off of her, she looked at the time on her phone.

"Oh! It's already 8:00, I need to get going now!" She stood up and grabbed my hand, bringing me down to the first floor with her.

We were saying our goodbyes, when she got a phone call and stepped away from me to pick it up.

I was standing near the front door waiting for her to finish talking, and (y/n) came down the stairs. She was wearing black jeans and a (favourite/band) shirt, with a brown leather jacket. She looked like she was going out.

She saw me at the front door and looked down.
"... Hey (y/n)." I spoke up.
"... Oh, uhm, hi." She answered me shyly. I was now standing in front of her.

"Where are you headed?" I questioned, trying to make a conversation with her.
"Just to the store, ran out of milk and stuff..." She didn't look at me, which killed me.

Jessica started to talk louder, we could hear her from where we were standing.
"Oh my god, Becky you slut! Shut up!" She was shouting into her phone. (Y/n) turned to me.

"She sounds like a real charmer." She rolled her eyes and looked up at me. I looked right back at her and smiled, but she averted her gaze from mine.

"Yeah, I guess so. So ah, do you want me to come with you? To the store I mean, it's not very safe to go out by yourself at night..."

Just as I finished my sentence, Jessica came up and put her arm around my shoulders.

"Sorry about that babe. Now, where were we...." She grabbed at the collar of my shirt and pressed her lips against mine. I tried to pull away, but she wouldn't let go. I looked over at (y/n), and she looked hurt.

(Y/n) started to walk out, hands in her pockets. She didn't look back at me once.
"(Y-y/n)--" I tried to call out to her, but she kept walking. When I couldn't see her anymore, Jessica finally got her lips off of mine.
"Well, I'd better get going." She smiled her wicked little smile, and then walked out.

Once she was gone, I walked outside and up the street, looking for (y/n).

'She couldn't have gotten that far, could she?'

I just wanted to talk to her, to appologize. I searched the streets for her, but no luck.

'How could I know what store she's going to? I'm ridiculous, thinking I could find her. I really just want to see her though.'

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