Chapter 19

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~~Dans POV~~

I was woken up by the bright sun shining down on my face through the window. I could hear the birds chirping right outside.

'Why are birds so fucking loud?'

(Y/n) was laying facing me, still sound asleep. I reached out and grabbed her hand and started playing with her fingers.

The sleeve of her shirt started rolling up, and I noticed something on her wrist. I gently rolled it up her arm further, which let me see all of the new scars on her skin.

I sighed and looked over at (y/n)'s sleeping face.

'I wish you wouldn't do this to yourself. I wish you could see just how beautiful you really are.'

I pushed a piece of her (h/c) hair out of her face with my hand, then leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips.

She stirred around a bit, then lazily opened her eyes.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I whispered to her.
"Yeah, but I don't mind." She leaned over and kissed me, still with her eyes closed. I smirked.

"I really missed your kisses, (y/n)." I smiled at her. She slid closer towards me in the bed and wrapped her arms around me.

"... I'm sorry about that. I was being selfish." Her voice was a little muffled due to being pressed up against me.

"You weren't being selfish. You had every right to be mad at me, don't blame yourself so much. I'm just happy you're with me now." I reassured her.

"Me too. I swear, if I ever see Jessica again I'm going to punch her in the nose." She said in the most serious tone she could pull. I laughed before kissing the top of her head.

"Do you wanna go down and have breakfast? I think Phil picked up some more Lucky Charms." I asked her.
She sat up and scratched the back of her head.

"Ah, I was gonna call my brother really quick, he wanted me to call last night. I'll be done in a couple minutes." She yawned and looked at me.

"Alright, I'll let you two talk. Tell him I said hi." I sat up and kissed her, then walked out.

I headed into my room and sat down at my desk in front of my laptop. I wanted to do a little more research on this douchebag, Jacob Kingston. I typed his name into the google search box and hit enter.

A mix of different websites popped up, some of different doctors, a few from some college in the U.S., and another about some guys blog on venus flytraps. I guess I needed to be more specific.

I clicked the search box again and searched 'Jacob Kingston rapist'.
I cringed even typing those letters.

A few different news articles came up, I clicked on the first one I saw and started scrolling through it.

'... Jacob Kingston grew up in Sacramento, California along with his older brother and mother... He attended one of the top highschools in that city... Kingston was also planning to go to college...'

'Yep, this is all great, but not what I'm looking for.'

I scrolled down the page further.

'... Kingston was arrested when he was eighteen for the drugging and rapeing of his then sixteen year old girlfriend, who shall stay unnamed for safety reasons. He was sentenced to six years imprisonment in Sacramento County Jail, but was soon transferred to London, England to serve his time. As to why he was transferred we're not completly sure, but some officials say he needed to be in a more secure jail. .... released two years early from "good behaviour" while in prison....'

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