Chapter 24

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Ahhhhh I'm really falling behind in these updates I'm sorry ; n ; I DONT MEAN TO BE A SHIT WRITER I PROMISE.


~~your POV~~

My mom, Nathan, Dan, Phil and I were all sitting in the kitchen, quickly eating up all of the food on the table. My mom was the first to start a conversation.

"So, how long exactly have you two lovebirds been together?" She questioned Dan and I while resting her head on her hands.

I inwardly cringed a little, not wanting the attention to be focused on mine and Dans relationship.
"Uhm, almost 6 months Dan?" I looked over to him.
"Yeah, just about." He answered, smiling. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Ah, you're so cute together!" My mom beamed and grinned at us. She seemed to have the idea that she could talk like a teenaged girl.

She then turned to Dan.
"(Y/n) talks about you all the time on the phone, Dan."

"Mom." I glared over at her.

"Even before she moved to London and met you boys, all she did was talk about you. 'Dan and Phil this, Dan and Phil that.' It was quite a scene." She told them and smiled, almost looking proud of herself.

"Moooom." I groaned at her before leaning down and hiding my face in my arms against the table. I could hear Dan and Phil giggling.

"Yeah, and she would always dance around her room screaming 'DANIEL PLEASE HAVE MY BABIES!' while watching your videos in the middle of the night." Nathan chimed in.

"I DID NOT DO THAT!" I yelled and threw a scrunched up ball of paper towel across the table, hitting him square in the head. Everyone laughed except for me, I was kind of dying from embarrassment.

"(Y/n), if it makes you feel any better, Dan wouldn't quit talking about you for weeks when you first moved to London." Phil told me. I looked up to find Dans cheeks a light shade of pink.

"No no no, I want to here more about this 'have my babies' dance." Dan smirked and looked over at me.
"Fuck off." I laughed as I punched his arm.

"Okay, change of topic pleeease." I said before picking up my glass and taking a sip. "Nathan, it's Thursday, aren't you supposed to be in school right now?"

"Nah, school's for puss--" He got a glare from mom before changing his sentence. "I mean, my darling sister was coming to visit today, so my kind mother has let me stay home to see her." He smiled cheekily.
"Nice save there, Nate." Dan chuckled.

"I wonder where he learnt that type of language from?" Phil raised his eyebrows and everyone looked over at me.
"Beats me." I smirked and shrugged my shoulders while taking a bite of my sandwhich. Nathan giggled.

Once we were all finished eating, Dan stood up and brought the dishes to the sink.
"What a gentleman! Nathan, you could learn a thing or two from Dan." Mom exlaimed. She smiled playfully at Nathan while messing up his hair. He quickly combed his fingers through it as Dan looked over at us and smiled.

Nathan stood up and brought more dishes over to Dan. They talked for a few minutes, before walking back over to the table. As Dan was sitting down, he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked him quietly.
"Just showing how much I love you." He replied while smiling, revealing the deep dimples in his cheeks.
Dan leaned back in and smiled into another kiss, this time on the lips.

"There are other people in the room." I heard Nathan groan. Dan pulled away from me, and we all laughed.


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