Chapter 31

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Alex's POV

"Bye guys, me and Amy are going into the city, we've spent way too much time apart we need to catch up while she's still here," I say as Amy and I leave the tour bus to walk to the place where the taxis are. 

"How much longer do we have to walk for?" Amy complains as we're walking along the footpath. 

"It's just up here," I say motioning forward towards the line of taxi's up ahead and we continue walking until we get to a taxi that wasn't in use. 

"Take us into the city please," I say as we get into the taxi. 

"So what shops will we go to when we get there?" Amy asks me. 

"I don't know sadly I don't think there's any Hot Topic stores here so I can't get any band merch, oh the agony," I say, I look up and see the taxi driver looking in the mirror annoyed at the outburst. "Sorry," I say as Amy and I start quietly laughing

"Let's go to Primark," I suggest as we walk around looking for somewhere to shop. "Sure lets go," she says and we head into the shop, we continue walking until I see something inexplicably perfect that had to be made by God himself "Harry Potter t-shirts I must have them!" I yell running across the shop to the rack with the Harry Potter t-shirts and hoodies on it "Now where's the Gryffindor things, ahh here they are," I say picking up three different Gryffindor t-shirts "Hogwarts t-shirts and hoodies must have," I say rummaging through the rack of hogwarts hoodies, ah there's my size, then I see a hogwarts t-shirts "Oh my God this can't be happening my life is ruined how could they do this to me!" I yell dramatically lying down on the floor. 

"Alex what's wrong with you," Amy says looking over me "Everyone's staring you," she added 

"There aren't any size eight Hogwarts hoodies, this has to be the work of Voldemort himself, how dare he!" I yell getting up off the floor. 

"Miss I have to ask you to leave you're making too much noise," one of the members of staff say. 

"Could I buy these first," I say holding up the tops 

"Fine but then you have to leave," he says walking away

"Wow Alex you managed to get yourself kicked out of a shop, a new achievement," Amy says

"I know I'm pretty proud of myself," I say as we walk out of the shop, looking for somewhere else to shop. 

"You may be proud but how might John react when he finds out," she says smirking 

"We'll never know because he won't find out anyway I got kicked out of a shop it's not like I was stealing, plus I was wrongly kicked out I was just minding my own business looking at the clothes on the wrack and then he comes and tells me to leave, the cheek of him he's lucky I didn't tell his manager," I say, "What?" I ask her since she was looking at me weirdly.

 "Minding your own business, wrongly kicked, looking at the clothes on the wrack you must be kidding me you were yelling and screaming on the floor," she says laughing. 

"You hungry?" I ask her ignoring what she said 

"Starving wanna get McDonald's?" she asks and we start heading to the one across the street, the place is packed when get there so I said that I'd find us seats and she went to order our food. 

"Excuse me, but did it hurt." I look up and see a boy with dark brown hair who was wearing a sports hoodie, jeans and aftershave that made me want to barf. 

"Did what hurt?" I ask confused 

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven." he said and I could hear his friends cheering him on behind him. 

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