Chapter 12

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Amy's POV

Ashton's, Calum's and I's plan worked to get Luke and Alex to kiss. 
"Hey guys where's John?" Michael asks walking in
"Oh John texted me earlier saying he had to work things out for a concert and he had to fly to America and he'll be back in two weeks," Alex says

"Lets play truth or dare," Ashton says and we all agree
"Okay Ashton truth or dare?" Alex asks
"Dare,"Ashton says
"I dare you to dump a bucket of ice and water on your head," she says
"To the kitchen," Luke says
"I'll get the bucket,"Michael says and runs off

Ashton, Luke, Alex and I go to the kitchen.

"I got a bucket," Michael said putting a bucket on the table

"I'll get the ice," I say and grad a bag of ice out of the freezer and put some in the bucket wich was now full of water and ice.

"To the bathroom,"Calum says and we all go upstairs to the bathroom and he stands in the bathtub.
"Here's the bucket" I say handing it to him
"3,2,1," and then he poured the ice cold water on top of himself, with some splashing us. He took his shirt off and my heart started to beat a million times a second my eyes widened and I couldn't help but stare then I break my trance and hand him a towel and he dried himself off and asked Calum truth or dare. I didn't pay attention to the truths and dares given until someone pokes me on the arm.
"hello Amy truth or dare?" Ashton asks
"Sorry what did you say?" I ask
"Truth or dare?" he asks again
"Uh dare,"
"I dare you to jump into the pool in just your underwear," he says 

(A/N yes I am aware an outdoor pool is not very logical in England but whatever)

Ashton's POV

"Okay," she says I was shocked that she said she would do it. "Let's go,"she says heading towards the back door we all follow, when we get outside it was cold but she still took her clothes off leaving her underwear remaining.
She takes a few steps back then runs and jumps into the pool, splashing all of us.

"Come be a gentlemen and help me out of the pool," she says so I walk over and take her hand but she pulls me into the pool.

"Haha got you back," she says and everyone else jumps into the pool for fun.

"Fuck this is cold!" Michael yells

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