Chapter 41

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Please read the authors note at the end of the chapter.

Alex's POV

It's been another month and nothing really has changed. Dad still goes to "meetings" twice every week and I'm still suspicious.

"Is anyone else suspicious about Dad going to a meeting twice every week?" I ask the guys when I go into the sitting room.
"Not really, he usually goes to a lot of meetings," Luke says
"Yeah but not twice every week, it used to be twice every month," I say
"Yeah, he seems to be going to meeting a lot, like more than usual," Ashton says
"Maybe he got himself a girlfriend," Calum says
"But why would he hide that from us?" I ask
"I don't know," Calum says
"Exactly it has something else," I say "But what?" I say to no one in particular.

I'm lying on my bed listening to music when Luke tells me to come downstairs. I pause the music and take out my earphones, I leave my room and go downstairs.
"What?" I ask walking into the sitting room
"Look out the window," he says and I walk over to him, I look out the window and see Dad arguing with a tall, brown haired women. She looks like she's in her thirties. I can't hear what they're saying.
"What do you think they're arguing about?" I ask
"I don't know," he says
"Well I'm going to find out," I say and walk over to the front door, I quietly open the door a little.

"She has a right to know!" The women yells
"You are not going near her!" Dad yells
"You can't stop me from seeing her!"
"You abandoned her!" Dad yells. Who are they talking about?
"I swear I will get custody!" That's it I can't take this any longer. I open the door fully and walk outside.
"What's going on?" I ask and they both look at me
"Alex get back inside," Dad says
"Alex, what a beautiful name," the women says with tears in her eyes
"Dad who is this women?" I ask
"Alex just g-"
"I'm your mother," the women says
"My parents are dead," I say without emotion
"Alex I am your mother," she says
"No you're not," I say "Dad what's going on?" I ask him and he sighs
"This women is your mother and the reason why I've been going to a lot of meeting is because she's been trying to gain custody of you," he says
"My parents are dead,"
"No, I just thought it would be easier for you to think that instead of knowing that I left you," she says
"Why?" I ask
"What?" She says
"Why did you leave me?"
"You were a mistake," she says
"Well thanks," I say
"Please let me finish," she says "I was seventeen, I wasn't ready to be a mother, I got drunk and ended up getting pregnant. When your father found out he left me and my parents thought if me as a disgrace to the family it was either keep you and live on the streets or give you up and we both have a good life," she says with tears streaming down her face
"I still don't see why you want me now," I say
"I'm ready to be a mother now,"
"Yeah well it's too late now, I've grown up and found people who care about me," I say
"Please, I'm your mother,"
"You may be alive but you're dead to me, you mean nothing to me not anymore," I say harshly
"Alex, just give me a chance," she pleads
"She said no, so go." Dad says sternly
"Fine, but I will gain custody," she says and walks out the driveway.

I run into the house and up to my room, I lock the door and lie down on my bed crying.
She can't gain custody, she can't. She abandoned me and left me thinking she's dead. She put me through pain, because of her I was put in a place where I only had one friend and everyone else made fun of me, bullied me or just stayed clear of me. All the nights I cried because I thought no one would ever adopt me  and that no one cared for me or that my parents were dead.
"She can't." I say crying "she just can't." 

Alex's mother is now in the picture! What do you think will happen?
Anyway I've been planning to bring her mother into the story for a while now but it just wasn't the right time but now I think it is. So if you want to know about how the orphanage thought Alex's parents were dead well here's how.
So I'll start from the start from Alex's mother getting pregnant to her being put into the orphanage.
So one night Nina (Alex's mother) went to a party and ended up drunk and had sex with some random dude and she ended
up pregnant, before she knew this she started dating the guy and when she found out she told him and he left her. When her parents found out they have her a choice of getting rid of the baby or keeping the baby and being disowned and being kicked out of the house. So when Alex was born Nina was going to keep Alex but then after spending a couple of days with no home and having to support herself and the baby, she realised they'd both be better without each other, so she left Alex on the doorstep of the orphanage without a note. So the orphanage just said that Alex's parents were dead because they didn't actually know.
Then a couple of months after John adopted Alex Nina tried to get in touch with Alex, but first she had to prove she's Alex's mother and she proves it some how. John didn't want Alex's mother to get in touch with Alex, so she didn't until now.

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