Chapter 36

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Alex's POV
*time skip to after last concert of the tour* (in hotel room)
"Alex," dad says and I look up from my phone
"Yeah," I say
"Well you know how before the tour we were living in England,"
"Yeah..." I say looking at him weirdly
"Well we're not going to he living there anymore," he says
"What do you mean we're not living there anymore?" I say in shock
"We're moving to Australia where the boy are from," he says
"But we can't move to Australia!"
"We're going to be going to Australia next week in the mean time we'll be packing all our stuff in the house in England,"
"But what about Amy, I can't leave her she's my best friend!" I yell
"You'll have to, besides you'll both make new friends," he calmly
"You don't understand I'm her only friend if I leave she'll be left with no one!! l I yell on the verge of crying.
"We can't do anything about it," he says
"Why can't we bring her with us?" I ask him
"In order to do that I'd have to adopt her," he says and I smirk "I'm not adopting her," he says
"Why not?"
"One teenage girl is enough," he says
"Fine," I say and wipe away my tears.

"I'm guessing John told you about moving to Australia," Luke says when I sit down beside him
"Yeah," I say and he puts his arms around me
"It's okay, you'll both make new friends anyway you've got us," Luke says
"Exactly I've got you guys but Amy's got no one," I say
"People change and maybe she will too, maybe she'll find new friends," he says
"I don't know if she will," I say
"Ashton's going through the same thing as you," he says
"Great, just great I never thought about her dating Ashton," I say
"What do you mean?"
"Long distance relationships never work they'll end up breaking up and she'll become wreck," I say
"You don't know that for sure, you haven't talked to her in a while she could have changed, made new friends, became stronger," he says
"Yeah, I guess so," I say and slowly fall asleep.

I'm woken by someone shaking me, I open my eyes and see Luke.
"Come in we're leaving soon to go to England," he says pulling my arm trying to get me up, I sigh and stand up. He hands me my bag and suitcase and we go meet up with the others by the door.
"Has everyone got everything?" Dad asks and we all nod and say yes "Okay then let's go," he says and we exit our hotel room, we go down to the lobby and Dad goes over to the front desk to checkout while me and the boys  go to the car. Five minutes later Dad gets into the car and we go to the airport.

*time skip to after plane flight*

We get off the plane and when we get into the main part of the airport there's flashing all around us. The flashing hurts my eyes so I take out a pair of sunglasses that I have in my bag and put them on, it doesn't stop me from seeing the flashes but it dims them. We get to the car after what seemed like 30 minutes, the boys were stopped for autographed and picture multiple times and of course they didn't want to disappoint their fans, they got a lot more fans since they went on tour with one direction.
The car ride is weird due to the random conversation we have about ducks and cats making babies together and thinking of what they would be called we came up with cacks, cucks and duts.
We pull into the driveway of the house and get out of the car, we get our luggage and go into the house.
"I'll give you all ten boxes to put your stuff in if you need more they're in the sitting room," Dad say and hands us all ten cardboard boxes and we go to our rooms.
I put all my clothes and shoes in one box since I don't have that much of them, I then put some of my books on the space left on top, I put the rest of my books in another box. After and hour I finally have all my stuff besides furniture in the boxes. I get the tape and seal the boxes shut. I walk out of my room and go into Luke's, he's sitting on his bed putting random bits and pieces into a box.
"Hey," I say standing at the door
"Hi," he says looking up
"Want some help?" I ask him
"Yeah sure, put the things from under my bed in a box," he says and I walk over to his bed and go down on hands and knees and start pulling out what's under the bed until I come across something that I don't think Luke would have wanted me to find, I hold it up.
"Playboy magazine, really?" I say raising and eyebrow
"That's not mine it's Michaels," he says
"Then why was it under your bed?" I ask
"I don't know,"
"Okay you either own it or borrowed it, none of them are good things in my eyes," I say throwing it on his lap.
"You know I think I can put my things in the boxes myself," he says
"Okay, bye," I say and give him a kiss in the cheek before leaving his room.

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