Chapter 42

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A/N So yeah I'm not dead I've just been... I would say busy but that would kinda be a lie because I was half busy and half lazy. I can't say I had writers block because I know where I'm going with the story, I just can't really think of how to write it but here I go.
Oh and please read the authors note at the very end.

Alex's POV

It's been a couple of months since I've met my mom and Dad, well John has been trying to keep custody of me. Today is the day it's decided, whether my mom or John will have custody of me. I'll be going to court with them and it'll be decided.

I hope my mother doesn't gain custody, I really do, but if she does I can leave in just over a year (A/N let's just say it's the 7th of June and she's nearly 17, her birthday is the 13th June if you forgot).

"Alex come on! We're going to be late!" John yells from downstairs.
"Coming!" I yell and grab my jacket, I go downstairs and meet John and the boys in the hall.
"Let's go," John says to me opening the door.
"Bye guys." I say and walk out the door.
"We're here," John says as he stops the car. "You ready?"
"Nope," I say and we get out if the car.

We get out of the car and head towards the building.
"Do we have to do this?" I ask
"Yes," he replies and we go into the building.

(A/N I don't know how court/custody thing works so I'm gonna skip that, sorry if you wanted to read about it)

"Nina Brown you now legally have custody of Alexis Rose," the judge declares and that's it it's official my mother has custody, just like that, she abandoned me and now she's in my life again.

"Alex, I'm so sorry," John says hugging me as we leave the court.
"Alex, honey," I hear that wretched voice of my mother. I turn around to see her. "You can go back to John's house and get all your things and then we'll be heading to airport for our flight," she says
"What flight?" I ask
"The flight to London of course," she says
"London as in England?"
"Of course."
"I really hate you, you know that," I say and walk to John's car.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that!" She yells from the entrance to the court, then she walks fast over to John's car. "Aren't you coming with me?" She asks
"No," I say and get in the car. Soon after John gets in the car as well.
"What happened?" Luke asks as soon as I get in the door.
"My mother won custody," I say and I start to cry
"It's okay we'll still get to see each other," he says and I start crying harder
"No we won't because I moving to London," I say
"I'll help you pack," he says and gives me a hug.
"Did you win custody?" Ashton asks John and I look up at John and see him shake his head.

Luke and I go upstairs to my room, when were both in the room I close the door. I get my suitcases and open my wardrobe and the drawers.

After 20 minutes were done packing all my stuff. And we're lying down on my bed.
"Luke," I say
"We might never get to see each other again," I say
"Well can Skype each other," he says
"I mean in person," I say
"Then we should make the most of the time we have left," he says and I look at him.
"Are talking about..." I say
"I didn't say that," he says in his defence
"Oh shut up," I say and kiss him on the lips, he kisses back and I pull away "One sec," I say and get up and lock the door. I walk back over to Luke and lie down on the bed.
I kiss him again and he pull me on top of him, we continue to kiss and he pull away and starts leaving trails of kisses down my neck.
"Luke," I say
"Your t-shirt,"
"What about it?"
"It scares me," I say talking about the zombie t-shirt he's wearing
"You want me to take it off?" I nod and he laughs. We sit up and he takes his short off, we start kissing again but more passionately. He break apart to breath and he looks at my top and I hesitate but take it off. I'm not confident with my body, I never have been.
"You're perfect," Luke says and kisses my forehead and I smile at him.
"Alex," he says to me
"Your pants annoy me," he says
"Yours annoy me too," I say
"Let's take them off," he says and I nod in agreement. We both take our pants off and cuddle with each other for a couple minutes.

I look at Luke and kiss him on the lips, he deepens the kiss, after a minute or too we break apart.
"Do you uh... I mean... Um," he says awkwardly
"Yeah," I say then we hear a knock at the door and something being slipped under the door. I get off the bed and pick it up and burst out laughing.
"What?" Luke asks and I throw it at him.
"One of the boys put a condom under the door," I say laughing
"Shall we?"
"We shall," I say and get back onto the bed.
(A/N you guys seriously don't know how awkward that was for me to write, I honestly don't know how people write full on sex scenes)

We finish getting dressed when we hear a knock on the door.
"Alex, it's time to go," John says
"Okay just a minute," I say and I walk over to a mirror, I pick up a brush and brush my hair.
"Luke, come here," I say
"What?" He ask and walks over to me
"You have sex hair," I say and he looks in the mirror and fixes his hair.
"You ready?" He asks me
"Yeah," I say and I grab my suitcases and bags. I unlock the door and we go downstairs.

When we get down to the bottom of the stairs it see my mother, John, Calum, Michael and Ashton standings in the hall.
"Can I say goodbye first?" I ask
"Yes but make it quick I'll wait in the taxi," my mother says and walks out the front door.
I hug John and say goodbye. Then I hug Calum.
"I'm gonna miss you," I say
"I'll miss you too," he says and I move on to Ashton
"You were the older brother I never had," I say to him
"And you were the little sister I never had," he says and I move onto Michael
"Glad you weren't to loud," he whispers in my ear and I laugh
"I'm gonna miss your inappropriate and sick mind," I say and move onto Luke.
"I'm miss you most if all," I say and kiss him on the lips
"I'm going to miss you too," he says and kisses me on the cheek.
"I'm going to miss all of you," I say and walk out the door.

Living With 5SOS is officially finished! This is the ending and I hope everyone likes it, of you want me to I'll write a short "chapter" about Alex's new life with her mother and everything either her just moving in with her mother or a year later and you'll kind of see if her opinion on her mother has changed or if it's still the same. I most likely won't  write a sequel, sorry to anyone who wanted one.

Also If you have any questions you'd like me to answer whether about the story or about me then ask away.

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