Chapter 34

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Alex's POV

I wake up and grab my phone off the beside table,

"6:30 am, great," I say yawning "well now that I'm awake what's the point of trying to go back to sleep when I know I won't be able to," I say and get off the bed and put socks on, I walk out the door and into the sitting room/kitchen area and sit down on the couch.

"Where did I leave my phone?" I ask myself and get up off the couch and go over to the kitchen part and see it in the table. I pick it up and go over to the couch sitting down I go onto twitter and see lots of tweets to me some nice and some hateful but one stood out to me.

Alexsmithisawhore: @alexsmith ur a slut and u prob go around sleeping with guys all the time and I bet u actually cheated on my lukee boo!!!!!! #bitch

This tweet even though it's supposed to be mean made me laugh

Alexsmith: @alexsmithisawhore you made an account dedicated to me aww thank you so much. And being a whore or slut involves actually having sex and last time I checked no dick has gone up my vagina

I turn off my phone and put it down beside me. I hear a knock on the door that divides our hotel room and the one directions boys hotel room, I get up off the couch and open the door.

"Yes," I say as I open the door to reveal Louis standing there in his pjs which was basically a t-shirt and track suit pants.

"I woke up and got bored so I decided to see if any of you were awake," he says

"Oh, well come in," I say and open the door wider and he walks in, I go back over to the couch and sit down and he follows me. we decide to watch some TV which sucked because we had to keep the volume down low.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" I ask him shifting my body so I'm facing him.

"I don't know," he says and we stay silent for a couple of minutes

"This is awkward," I state

"Yes it is," he replies

"Well how about you go back to you're hotel room and I'll do one of my favourite things in the world, call room service and get pizza and ice cream," I say and he laughs but I was being completely serious

"What?" I ask

"You're kicking me out so you can eat," he says

"Yes and," I say looking at him

"Okay then," he says and get up and walks to the door "Have fun eating,"

"I will," I reply before closing the door behind him after he leaves.

I walk over to where the hotel phone is and dial the number, when someone answers I ask for pizza, chips(fries), ice cream and chocolate.

After a long, agonising, horrible 19 minutes the food is here and I immediately go back to sitting on the carpet beside the couch and start eating the pizza, I grab two slices and put one on top of the other and eat them like that, constantly switching between eating that, the chips and the ice cream, the food is really good.

When I'm full there's only two slices of pizza, no chips or ice cream and a whole chocolate bar left, I mightn't have enough room for lunch.

Soon the boys come out of the rooms and start getting their breakfast.

"Why do I smell pizza?" Michael asks and I push the plates and bowl behind me,

"I don't know, maybe people in another room got pizza," I say, I don't know why I'm hiding the food, but I am.

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