Chapter 40

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A/N I was thinking of ending it at chapter 40 but I think I'll write a couple more.

Alex's POV

I wake up and go to check the time when I notice that my hand is covered in something sticky.
"What is this?" I ask myself and look down "Oh," the ice cream I was eating last night melted, got knocked over and my hand ended up in the pool of melted ice cream.
"I better clean this up," I say "But first I need to clean my hand," I say and go into the bathroom, I wash my hands and look in the mirror ice cream got on my clothes as well just not as much as there was in my hand.

I walk over to my wardrobe and pick out a plain red t-shirt and black leggings. I put them on and go downstairs.
When I get to the bottom of the stairs Dad is opening the door.
"Where're you going?" I ask him
"Just to a meeting," he says and I role my eyes
"You went to one yesterday," I say
"And I'm going to another one today," he says
"What's this one about?"
"You know the same old stuff,"
"You said that the last time I asked and I don't think I do know what you mean by "the same old stuff"," I say
"Look it doesn't matter," he says and leaves.
"I will find out," I say just after he closes the door.
I walk away from the door and over the the closet we keep the bed sheets, pillow covers and duvet covers, I grab the purple pillow and duvet covers and head back up the stairs to my room.
I take the ice cream tup and scoop up the melted ice cream. I throw the tub in the bin and take the duvet cover off and throw it on the floor. I feel the duvet "Great the ice cream soaked through," I say "Oh well it'll have to do."

After fifteen minutes I successfully changed the duvet and pillow covers.

"I'm hungry, I'm going to get breakfast," I say to myself and go back downstairs.
When I get to the kitchen I grab an apple out of the fruit bowl and sit down at the table. When I finish eating the apple I get up and go into the sitting room, I turn the TV on and sit down on the couch. I can't find any shows or movies that I want to watch so I just put on a music channel.

Halfway through the rock top charts Michael comes down into the sitting room.
"Can you turn down the sound, I can't sleep," he says half asleep
"No," I say
"Yes, it's..." I check the time "Ten past 9," I say
"And your point is?"
"That you guys should be up already,"
"But it's only ten past nine, we get up at ten," he says
"Since when?" I ask
"Since always,"
"You guys would always get up around..." "Oh yeah most the time I would wake you guys up instead of waiting for you guys to actually get up..." I say
"Yeah," he says annoyed
"Sorry," I say
"Just turn down the sound," he says and I turn it down "Thank you," he says and leaves the room and goes back upstairs to his room.

"Well I'm bored," I say lying down on the couch, I roll over and fall onto the floor. "Well that hurt," I say getting up off the floor. I walk around the room looking for something to do. I find nothing to do so I go back up to my room.

I walk into my room and pick up my laptop and sit down on my bed.
I open up YouTube and look at the recommendation videos. I scroll through them until I get to one that seems interesting. "Girl allergic to sunlight"
"How can you be allergic to sunlight?" I ask myself "I don't know,"

"Well that wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be," I say and go back into the main part of YouTube.
I search up "dyeing hair" in the search bar and look at the results.
I click on the video of a girl dyeing her hair rainbow.
I watch a couple more videos of people dying their hair unnatural colours and they make me really want to dye my hair again. It should be easy enough since my hair is dyed blonde so I won't really have to bleach my hair, maybe my roots but not all my hair.
"Okay I'm dying my hair," I say to myself "But what colour?" I ask myself. I think for a few minutes.
"I got it,"

I wash the excess hair dye out and dry my hair until it's only a little damp. Then dry my hair with a hair dryer.
"Done," I say "Let's see what the others think of my new hair," I say and walk out of the bathroom. "I think the boys are down stairs."

I walk downstairs and try to figure out where the guys are.
"Guys where are you?" I ask
"In the kitchen," Ashton says and I walk to the kitchen door. I wait for a couple of second because I'm nervous to show them my new hair.
I walk into the kitchen and they all glance at my, go back to what they were doing and then they look at me again.
"Your hair is brown!" Luke yells getting up, he goes over to me and starts playing with my hair and I laugh.
"Yeah it is," I say
"It looks cool," Calum says
"You dyed your hair and didn't ask me to help you," Michael says and puts his hand over his heart and pretends to be upset.
"I'm so sorry," I say playing along and I go up and hug him.
"How could you," he says and burst out laughing, making me laugh.

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