Chapter 37

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Alex's POV

"The house looks so bare," I say looking around
"I know right, it's weird," Calum says
"I agree," Luke says
"Me too," Ashton says
"Same," Michael says coming out of the kitchen with a sandwich
"How did you make a sandwich there's like no food in the kitchen?" I ask
"I have my ways," he says before taking another bite
"Anyway me and Ashton are going to see Amy," I say
"Okay bye, get me a burger from Mc Donalds," Michael says
"You're literally eating a sandwich right now," I say and he takes another bite
"But I'll have eaten it by the time you're back," he says and I role my eyes
"Come on Ashton let's go," I say and we leave
Dad let us borrow his car so Ashton drives us to the orphanage. After a long car ride were finally there, we get out of the car and knock on the door. Someone let's us in and we go up to Amy's room, I knock on the door before we enter. Amy's sitting at her desk on her laptop, she turns around after we come in.
"Alex, Ashton!" She says/yells "Oh my God it's been so long since we last saw each other," she says and gets up and hugs us.
"How about we hang out next week we could-" she starts
"What?" She asks and I look at Ashton
"We moving to Australia," I say tears forming in my eyes
"What?" She asks
"We're moving tomorrow," Ashton says
"Please tell me this is joke," she says and we both start crying
"It's not," I say
"For how long?" She asks
"I don't, years," I say
"But you can't leave, you're my only friend and you're my first boyfriend," she says to us tears spilling out of her eyes.
"We can work this out," I say trying not to let anymore tears fall
"Work this out? How are we suppose to fucking work this out? You guys are moving to the other side of the world," she says and I hug her
"I'm sorry," I say "I really am but I can't so anything to stop it," say
"Alex could you umm leave us alone for a little while?" Ashton asks
"Yeah of course," I say letting go of Amy and I walk out of the room.
I walk down to the kitchen and see Mary sitting at the table with a cup of tea and reading the newspaper, I walk in to the kitchen and say "I didn't people ever read the newspaper anymore," she looks up and she's me and smiles
"Alex you're back," she says getting up she walks over to me and gives me a hug. When I was younger I used to think of her as a mother, she's the kindest person who works here and she may be old but she's still awesome, I remember a couple of years ago she caught me sneaking out and just told me I forgot my jacket and then let me go.
"So what brings you here?" She asks
"I'm moving to Australia with Dad and the boys in a couple of days," I say frowning
"Hey what happened to the girl who would beg us to bring her on holiday so she can have an adventure?"
"She grew up," I say
"Really I don't believe that one bit when you lived her you still watched kids cartoons," she says smiling "just think of it as one of your adventures," she's and I nod.
"Can I have food I'm starving?" I ask
"No one of my children are allowed to starve, sit down and I'll get you some chocolate cake," she says she refers to all the kids who stay or have stated here but still visit as her children. I sit down and she puts a plate down in front of me, it had a huge slice of chocolate cake, ice cream and cream on it.
"Here's a fork," she says handing me one and I start eating.
"I'm going to miss you," she says to me
"I'm going to miss you too," I say
"So do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet?" She asks
"I have a boyfriend," I say
"Who is he? Is he cute? Give me all the details," I laugh at how she can go from being one of those cool grandmother type person to being like a teenage girl.
"His names Luke he's in the band my Dad's the manager of," I say
"Luke Hemming?" She asks
"Oh that one is cute," she says and I laugh again.
"Alex come on we're going," Ashton says and I get up and hug Mary.
"Bye," I say
"Bye Alex," she says and I leave the kitchen.
Amy is standing at the bottom of the stairs in the hall, I walk up to her and hug her.
"I'm going to miss you so much," I say
"I'll miss you too," she says

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