Chapter 7

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"What are you doing?" John asks
"You're back already"Luke says
"I'm only 15 minutes early and get off Ashton" he says and we all get off Ashton.
"Wait it's 9:45 already?" I ask John
"Yes now I'm going to bed don't be too loud," John says and leaves the room and goes upstairs.

"So anyone up for a movie marathon?" Luke asked
"Okay"I say
"So what movies will we watch?" Calum asked
"Batman,"I suggested
"Do we have those movies?" Michael asks
Luke walked over to the DVD case to check
"Umm yeah we have them" Luke says
"I'll put it on," Calum says walking over to the tv with a Batman DVD in his hand.

Ashton's POV

It's half way through the movie and Alex is already asleep , I swear Luke keeps looking over at her.
"Guys Alex is asleep" I whisper
"We should leave her be," Luke says yawning.
"Yeah we don't want to wake her" Calum says

Twenty minutes later Luke is asleep beside Alex.

Alex's POV

I wake up on top of Luke I must've fallen asleep during the movie.When I get up Luke wakes up.

"Hey Alex," he says yawning

"Hey I'm going making breakfast wanna help?" I ask
"Sure," he replies.

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